View Full Version : Is there a mouse/rat size chart anywhere?

02-08-05, 12:09 PM
Wasn't there a post quite some time ago with a chart that showed the size difference between various ages of mice and rats? I remember seeing all of them lined up side by side with average length and weight shown.
I could have sworn it was in this forum, but I can't find it anywhere with a search of the whole site.

Maybe I'm just imagining it, in which case, could somebody tell me what size mouse is equal to in rats? I'm thinking of switching my 5 snakes to rat equivalents, but have no clue what size rats I'd need to replace fuzzies, hoppers, weanlings and 'small' mice. That's why I was hoping to find that chart again.

Thanks :)

02-08-05, 12:14 PM
Not sure if this is what your thinking of in a chart but this is what i use. It is off The Mouse Factory website. http://www.themousefactory.com (http://www.themousefactory.com/rates/rates.html)

02-08-05, 12:42 PM
Wow thats a nice site! Thanks for posting it.

02-08-05, 01:03 PM
The problem with a size chart is that it's not a standardized chart. Not everybody uses the same weights for say a "small adult" rat some use 50-80g, some use 40-100g. It's not an "across teh board" kinda thing. Bothers me to to end I might add. A good site with pics is www.rodentpro.com

02-08-05, 01:11 PM
For my size chart, I took all the charts I could find, averaged the two range numbers and then went from there. Most charts I found were at least close to the average numbers that came up. But there were a few that were noticeably smaller or larger than the average.

My rat breeding buddy and I came up with these sizes:

3-9g = Pinky
10-20g = Fuzzy
20-35g = Pup
35-60g = Weaned
60-100g = Small
100-200g = Medium
200-300g = Large
300-375g = Jumbo
375g+ = Colossal

02-08-05, 03:02 PM
Thanks for the links and input. At least now I've got an idea of who is what size. It sure makes life easier. Reading 'grams' and 'inches' doesn't compute as easily as a picture.

02-08-05, 04:00 PM
May I be the first to suggest we get rid of names like, "Weanling" and "Small Adult" and just go by weights? I buy my rats by weight, I could honestly care less what they're called. If my snake eats a 150g rats, I don't care if it's a medium or a small or a colossal, to me, it's a 150g rat. Period.
P.S. Tim, I would consider your weight classification the closest to what I would consider an "average". Some of the weight:price ratios out there are just laughable in my opinion.

06-07-10, 08:13 PM
Another interesting hunk of forum history I stumbled upon.

I have found with rodent pro that sometimes the "extra small" pinkies and "small pinkies" are the same size.

it depends, if they have a big inventory of newborn pinks, I do get true extra small ones, but other times they are exactly the same size as small.

When I am feeding neonate snakes, it's important that I do get the tiny little ones that look like premature births.

06-08-10, 12:11 AM
When I am feeding neonate snakes, it's important that I do get the tiny little ones that look like premature births.

I call those 'red hots' as does my LHS

06-08-10, 09:58 AM
good thread infernalis,im sure we've all been frustrated with food sizes at some point.

i had the same problem when i ordered on line.one order may be perfect sizes for my needs,then the exact same order next time round resulted in food items arriving that were too big or too small for my needs.if they didnt have say small mice they would just send what they thought was the next best thing.that being medium mice.also had an order of large weaners that were bigger than the last batch of small rats id got.luckily i found a guy 8 miles from me who breeds all his own feeders.he took it up a notch and breeds extra for local customers.i can now go to his house and hand pick my order.he's quite decent with his prices.not quite as cheap as big on line companys but a lot cheaper than local reptile shops.i dont mind paying a little extra than i would on line as i get hand picked food items.
cheers shaun

06-08-10, 10:47 AM
Our local lovely shop lets us pick our own out of the freezer - when we switch to rats we will get out a mouse the "right" size then get a rat that matches up.

06-08-10, 11:30 AM
i just bought in bulk for the first time off of a feeder breeder (nice ring to it eh?) close to me a couple weeks ago, perfect sizes and plenty of food for my collection, its definitely much cheaper then buying from the store!

Coffee Black
06-08-10, 01:48 PM
I used to buy from rodent pro and i recommend them to anyone with pythons and boas, aside from those species that are particularly small as neonates, who are far from a decent source. I stopped using them and went to buying bulk at shows because the gas and show purchase equaled the rodents plus shipping and it is a great excuse to go if you need one :D However, i no longer need bulk though that may change once i get my new place ha.

also, i will never be able to enjoy any red hots ever again. Thanks, BlindOne ha.

06-08-10, 02:04 PM
also, i will never be able to enjoy any red hots ever again. Thanks, BlindOne ha.

Anything to help :)