View Full Version : Pacman eating habits...

02-07-05, 12:15 PM
Hey. I posted a couple of weeks ago about getting a pacman frog. The night that I got him he ate 5 crix with no problems at all. The next day he ate 3-4, then every since he will only eat 1 crix or none at all.

Is there something that i'm doing wrong?

The crix walk in front of his face and climb on him and he just ignores them. I can get mealies around here but pet stores don't just carry any other types than mealies and super worms.

What can i do? Is it normal for him to not eat much?

A friend of mine has one that has never eaten on his own and she has to force feed him daily. I'm not sure what she means by that because I have never asked her. I don't want to have to resort to forcing it into him.

02-07-05, 12:19 PM
I find my pacman will eat if he's interested, and when he does, he'll eat LOTS. I feed him crickets, snails, mealies and fingers. Sometimes, he's just not interested. I doubt you'd have to resort to any kind of forcefeeding unless he's losing vast amounts of weight.

PS - Can you please change your signature to the max. allowed 4 lines? That counts blank spaces...

Thanks :)

02-07-05, 01:50 PM
Force feeding a pac man does not sound good. Pac Mans are known for HUGE appetites and eat readily. I suspect any that need force feeding are either being handled too much, stressed out, or sick.

Babies will eat lots and often. 3+ times per week a few crickets here and there. Adults can be fed WAY less sparingly as they can get fat easily and can live on minor amounts of food.

My adult gets a good full meal of crickets once per week. Sometimes I skip two weeks, even three.....Once in awhile he will get a mouse and when he eats a mouse, that's all he gets for the entire month. But mine is an adult. Babies and growing juvies eat FAR more often.


02-07-05, 06:03 PM
what are your temps like? Alot of people over heat their pacmans. Describer your setup in detail and maybe we can figure out why he isnt eating,

02-07-05, 06:42 PM
Here is the setup. He's on peat moss because we are unable to get coco fibre or bed-a-beast here. It's kept very wet at all times and is also misted heavily twice a day.

There is no additional heating in the tank because my room temperature is already 76 degrees.

Here is his setup:

02-07-05, 07:22 PM
That's a very small frog. A few crickets would fill it up no problem.

Heating sounds about right. I keep my adult between 74-82 and he does just great.

Is it going to shed possibly?


02-07-05, 07:30 PM
Doesn't appear to be ready for a shed. Maybe just 1 cricket fills him up for a while? He ate 1 about 2 nights ago...