02-06-05, 01:46 PM
Whats your opinions on TREX forest bedding or spagnum moss?? As a main substrate?? Think there is an issue of impaction?? I am setting up a tank for chinese geckos and they require higher humidity levels so I need to use substrate thats safe and will not cause impaction, but hold humidity...I was planning on keeping a 1" layer of forest bedding and a 1" layer of moss ontop. Thoughts?? Some guy just tried telling me it would impact for sure, but what does he plan on using for humid hides then if not moss? LOL I use vermiculite myself.
I am sure there is a small chance of getting impaction, but with a soft natural material as forest bedding/moss?
I am sure there is a small chance of getting impaction, but with a soft natural material as forest bedding/moss?