View Full Version : Amazing bird! A must watch

02-04-05, 10:18 PM
Sorry if this has been posted before.....sometimes I can't tell because of thread titles...I guess I can delete it if it has been! lol

Anyways AMAZING AMAZING bird named Einstein here! It's a really neat video of a African Grey preforming on Animal Planet.



02-04-05, 10:37 PM
LOVE this bird :D


02-04-05, 10:38 PM
I know huh! He is totally awesome. I am more impressed with the lady though because even though that species is smart, she obviously has a really good training method down.

I can't wait to have one of these.


02-04-05, 10:46 PM
First time i saw that! Thanks Marsia! ....that bird is awesome. :D

Double J
02-04-05, 10:59 PM
I love birds.

I find it a shame that an animal so intelligent often spends most of its life alone in a wire cage.

I would love to have a bird like that... though I would only ever feel right about it if I had some sort of greenhouse where the bird would be in a free-range situation.
I am sure some bird-nuts will shred my opinion here.... but that's the way I feel. I just cannot see how a steel-wire cage can be adequate in terms of housing for such intelligent and long-lived animals.

However... I think the star of the clip we loved so much gets spoiled at home.. and plenty of time spent with him. Again, I am sure many bird owners give their parrots the space and attention they need.. but there are still many who don't. And I know a few.... and it breaks my heart.

02-04-05, 11:04 PM
Yeah it sucks. I have had a conure. He had one of those wire cages you talk about Double J, but the differance was the door was always left open and he could come and go as he pleased. He would retire to his cage by choice though when he wanted a nap, nighttime or if new people were over.


02-05-05, 01:12 PM
That bird is fab....i want him


02-05-05, 06:31 PM
WHOA!!! Thanks for posting that link Marissa.. I've never seen anything even close to the likes of that bird.. that was simply amazing! I didn't think those birds could be that smart... that's one smart cookie of a parrot, that's for sure!


Tim and Julie B
02-05-05, 10:26 PM
My goodness that grey is amazing! And ya, the trainer is equally as talented. I can only imagine the love and time she has put into her baby:) Thanks for the link.


02-05-05, 10:46 PM
houres and houres of time with her that is for shure a gray is like living witha a 5 year old for 85 years love the traning tyhat has been done with her thanks Marisa have to love the grays

02-05-05, 10:57 PM
What's really amazing is that she actually got that bird to perform on cue. Africain Greys are known for not always talking in front of strangers. I have one and he is a great talker. He'll talk non stop at home but when I bring him to work he doesn't talk. He'll talk some and do most of his tricks but he's alot more quite. They are very smart birds who pick up on everything. And yes they do know what they are saying most of the time. When I'm home none of my parrots are in their cages. The doors are open and they can do what they want. My grey will actually call the dogs by their names and tell the cat to go away if she gets to close to his cage.