View Full Version : Rat prices
Why is it that rats are so expensive in Alberta??? You see them in the states for $1.00 for large rats and Ontario and that has them for prices like that too so why do we albertans have to pay around $3.00 for a rat.......I so wish we could just breed our own. Stupid government bans!
02-04-05, 11:43 AM
you think thats bad? out here they're for $4.00, now that sux, i figured i'd just breed them myself. But yeah gov kinda messed you up on the breeding thing.
If we buy them in the LPS that is what you pay here too, or higher. I hate seeing all those adds for large rats $1.00. Only if you live next door of course!
Manitoban Herps
02-04-05, 11:52 AM
At petstores out here a large rat is 6.00$, thank god I have had to pay that.
Boo hoo hoo to all Albertans who are complaining about the price of rats. My heart bleeds purple panther pee for you. Wanna live in Ontario instead? You MORE than make up for it with NO GST!!! NO GST!! That's a reason to dance on the rooftops!!LOL....
02-04-05, 01:40 PM
And there only that cheap when you buy then fron some one who breeds feeder mice/rats.. At pet stores there just as expensive.
02-04-05, 02:01 PM
Many many online breeders have great prices. Give Corey Woods a call, his are pretty reasonable, or Mark "Rats for sale"
(519) 632-8261
See if Ontario Prices are better with shipping. Could save you some $$$ anyways.
BTW Alberta is the best province IMO
Originally posted by mykee
You MORE than make up for it with NO GST!!! NO GST!! That's a reason to dance on the rooftops!!LOL....
Ummmmmm, What planet you on??? LOL, we pay GST here, have for quite some time now. They keep promising to get rid of it but they don't.
Originally posted by greenman1867
BTW Alberta is the best province IMO
I agree, honestly I wouldn't live anywhere else. I just hate seeing rats go for so cheap and have to pay so much here just cause we can't breed them here. I will have to email Corey and see what he charges and everything with shipping.
02-04-05, 02:46 PM
I am pretty sure he meant no PST but no biggie.
**edit** Yes I am DFing at work, but I have a government job and it's friday!
02-04-05, 05:02 PM
I paid 4.99 + %15 percent for a rat today. Cry me a friggin river.
You don't get large rats for a dollar anywhere in Canada
02-04-05, 06:21 PM
I will have to disagrea with you there morph:)
Thats ALL I have EVER payed for my rats here in Ottawa is $1 Big old buck each ;) BUT I do buy alot lol
Nita I sent you a pm if you want large rats.
THAT'S why many many people breed their own. Too bad for you Albertans though. That's gotta suck.
Come on now what weight for a dollar?
And is the quality there?
02-04-05, 11:13 PM
Cheapest I've seen rats in the US are at shows then they are about 1.00 a piece other wise they are 3.99 a piece around here...
02-04-05, 11:16 PM
Out of curiosity, why cant you breed rats in Alberta. Can you even own them as pets?
Nope, they're restricted here.
02-05-05, 12:49 AM
Highly illegal to have live rats in Alberta. Pretty much just the universities and reserach hospitals are allowed to have them.
They take Alberta's "rat free" status VERY seriously. There's even a 'rat patrol' section of fish and game whose job it is to keep live rats out of the province. There's also a huge fine for getting caught with live rats so no one in their right mind would risk it.
I'd love to be able to raise a few myself since mice are stinky and annoying little buggers. The crickets of the snake food world if you will :)
If you want to read more about Alberta's Rat patrol here's a link:$department/deptdocs.nsf/all/agdex3441?opendocument
Manitoban Herps
02-05-05, 11:45 AM
I don't think there rat free, there has to be some.
02-05-05, 12:38 PM
Hence the quotes :)
I'm sure there are some wild norwegian rats within the borders of Alberta, but i've never seen one. They do take the whole thing pretty seriously.
As a side note... it's not fish and game that the rat patrol falls under as I thought before.. it's Alberta Agriculture.
02-05-05, 02:51 PM
Wow, I didnt know that. Thats kind of strange, is there a reason they started the ban?
Slannesh thanks for the website.
02-05-05, 03:12 PM
Ofcourse there are some Kevin, but, probably less than say most rat-breeders, and considering how many there are in other provinces. We probably have like......0.01% of the rats that saskatchewan has and we are right next to them. I think the fine if you get caught with possesion of a rat is like......$2500! There was 38(I think) rats released in the city of Calgary by someone, and if you listened to the news or read the paper here, it had healines that stood out more than the Tsunami disaster!
Yeah, rats are kind of expensive here, but what the hey, best province! NO PST WOOOOOT!
Yeah same question as morph, what weight for a dollar? Even from Corey Woods or Walter(these guys get their stuff from too), a $1 rat is a small rat(I think like....75g or something) like thats tiny. Even if you order 100 or 500 rats that are bigger, its still not a buck. Mind you I have seen cheap rats for a good size, but I dont need that many to order tons at a time either.
Manitoban Herps
02-05-05, 03:32 PM
Out here rats aren't a problem, and if they start to be a problem a simple blast from a shotgun will stop them.
02-05-05, 05:35 PM
CHRISANDBOIDS14 and morph I pay $1 for ANYSIZE rat here.
Yes I know thats cheep BUT thats ALL I ever pay as I get them from a buddy that owns a pet shop and breeds large numbers of rats to sell to a handfull of good costomers.
I have also sold them for that same price to some members of ssnakess here in Ottawa.They range from small to LARGE SAME price.
Now I know this is ONLY by luck that a handfull of his costomers spend ALOTT of monney there and thats why we get them so cheep.Yes they are fed GOOD food as I would not buy them if they where not fed good food as mykee would agrea with me there lol. I know I know mykee I OVER pay for good food lol ;)
I have personally purchased rats from both Corey Woods and Mark Hewitt and both have excellent rat supplies; healthy, the size you pay for, and well priced. I would contact either one for a great deal.
02-05-05, 10:28 PM
Kevin that's almost as good as the deal I get. I don't have to pay for any frozen pinkies or fuzzies and I pay $0.50 for anything else frozen. Anything live I have to pay a $1 for. Thank God mine eat frozen. Sometimes for a treat they get a live two week old hamster. (that's one I get for free if we have too many births happen at one time...oh I should have said I work for a pet store in Ottawa) My last ball I got for free with enclosure because the owner was moving to Edmonton and couldn't bring it with them (because of the band) So she brought it in to sell if we wanted to. So because she didn't want any money out of it I got it for nothing. She's a nice size female who loves to be handled. She only likes to eat when the lights are out. We just started buying our supplies fom a new local breeder (rodents) and their prices are amazingly cheap and very good sizes.
Mark Jones
02-06-05, 10:50 AM
I live in Mobile, Alabama. (That's on the Gulf of Mexico for you flip-top head guys north of the border.) We've had, in my two winters here, perhaps a total of 10 days where the temp stayed in the 30's and below for the entire twenty-four hour day. (We are actually in the only tropical rain forest in North America.) Further, this is a port city with cargo vessels coming in everyday for centuries. Rats *do* exist here.
But I have yet to see even one! And I've not seen any damage that could be attributed to rats either.
I'll say "Grats!" to Alberta for being rat-free. But after reading the linked Gov't site, it sounds to me like Governmental paranoia. YMMV.
02-06-05, 08:17 PM
Mykee, Corey and Walter have the same prices, right, at least they did a while ago? I know their rats are good, but still, they're not that cheap, even if you buy large quantities.
Check out Walter's prices here. (
My main interest right now is rats from 90g(Medium) to 400g(Jumbo). Thats pretty expensive.
$1 things are......Fuzzie Rats!
I see some people have connections, and I did get 12-14 big rats(person got them free) in exchange for a few fuzzy mice but thats just once. And it probably wont happen for another several months.
Prices depend on who you deal with and how often. Frequent customers get better deals then a person that contacts the seller out of the blue. Also you do pay for what you get.
02-06-05, 10:21 PM
i've gotten rats for as low as $1.. any size...
i think the most ive paid for any size was $1.60..
so yeah.. kelvin isnt lying about getting them for $1...
any size..
from pinkies to jumbos..
Originally posted by havenbounce
My last ball I got for free with enclosure because the owner was moving to Edmonton and couldn't bring it with them (because of the band)Ginnette
Was she maybe moving to Sask? Balls are not banned in AB so if she was coming here she could have brought it with her.
Maybe she was native, he did say "band "and not ban?
I never thought of that or perhaps music band but what would that have to do with keeping reptiles?
02-07-05, 08:14 PM
Originally posted by nita
Why is it that rats are so expensive in Alberta??? You see them in the states for $1.00 for large rats and Ontario and that has them for prices like that too so why do we albertans have to pay around $3.00 for a rat.......I so wish we could just breed our own. Stupid government bans!
i dont know where in us your talking but they are expensive here,
mice are 1.50 and rats are 3 to 5 depending on size
and the last mice i got were so scrawny!
02-07-05, 09:37 PM
Sorry I did mean ban. I ment the rat ban not a snake one. I guess she didn't want to make an effort of having things shipped. Glad she didn't because this girl is a nice snake. She's out alot and likes to be handled.
RodentPro ships US and has for the last while had their large ones for $1
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