View Full Version : New rack

02-02-05, 11:28 PM
I just wired my heat tape and installed it in my bp rack. I set my theremostat at 105 f.

My question is, how long does it take for the rubbermaids take to aquire proper temps.

02-02-05, 11:52 PM
Depends on the bin size and type, the distance from the tape, the probe position, the room temp, the insulation on the rack... and etc.

Why do you have it set to 105F? What are you keeping in it?

Got any pics? :D ;)

02-02-05, 11:55 PM
Nothing right now, just playing with it. I want to get it set for some ball pythons I'm getting.

My rack doesn't have a back on it, should I get one?

02-02-05, 11:56 PM
What design did you build?

02-02-05, 11:58 PM
Four shelves that hold 2x 16x23 each.

I made it out of 3/4 oak plywood. I used 3" heat tape, controlled with a johnson thermostat.

02-03-05, 12:00 AM
My rubbermaids fit with there lids on.

02-03-05, 12:01 AM
With belly heat? If you're using belly heat, a back isn't necessary. It may be good to have one structurally but as long as the bins can't be pushed out the back, it's all up to you. :)

02-03-05, 12:05 AM
Yes, belly heat. I just checked my thermostat is set at 105 and the temp I read at the hot spot is 86.

Do I need to calibrate my thermostat?

02-03-05, 12:07 AM
You shouldn't need to. It just might take time to heat up.

Where is your probe set at?

02-03-05, 12:09 AM
On the tape between 2 bins



02-03-05, 12:11 AM
Ahhh... there's your problem.

Set it up in the bin, over the tape. That's the most accurate way to do it. :)

02-03-05, 12:14 AM
So I should set the probe directly into one of my bins?

How hot can the tape get without burning the wood?

02-03-05, 12:21 AM
It will be fine. When I temp gun right on the tape, it's usually about 105-110F depending on the rack and if the thermostat is off or on.

Just notch out a place on the bin for the probe wire to run though, run the wire down the side and to the spot you want it to sit. Then, either drill a couple holes and cable tie/twist tie the probe in place OR use silicone to hold it in place... but NOT tape! :D

I like to use a "dummy" bin with the probe in it and no snakes. That way there is no chance a snake will move the probe and cause temperature problems.

02-03-05, 12:23 AM
Good idea. I will try it tomorrow, Thanks Tim

02-03-05, 12:24 AM
No problem, man! :) Good luck!

02-03-05, 09:55 PM
Tim, I imagine if your rubbermaids are 33"x16"x6", then the dummy rubbermaid with the probe must be the same size to be accurate.
thanks, Paul.

02-11-05, 03:05 PM
It seems that I am getting some temp fluctuations. I put the probe in a dummy container as suggested by Tim. Now it seems that when I set my thermostat at 93, I get an enclosure temp of high 90-low 100's. If I lower the thermostat to 90, the temps go down too much.

Why would it not be better to place the probe dirrectly on the heat tape. To me, it seems that that may be a more accurate way of regulating the temps.

02-17-05, 02:56 AM
Because you want to know the temperature INSIDE the bin, not BESIDE the bin.

02-17-05, 08:25 AM
Yes I know, but it is easy to adjust the temp either way to acheive the desired temp range.