View Full Version : Blisters!!!

02-02-05, 09:19 PM
i think i kept my savannah monitors soil very wet. he ended up having some blisters on the back. my question is, can i treat it myself or i need to go to the vet?

02-02-05, 09:27 PM
Blisters on the back would be more likely caused by too close access to the spot light or other heat source. Now if your monitor had them on it's feet and belly then yeah too much moisture. Need more info like cage size, substrate used, heat sources used etc... then we could help you out more.


02-03-05, 01:37 AM
i guess your right dave. i have my light very close to my monitor. im using a 75 watt llight bulb. i think i should go back to 45 cause he doesnt have a problem when im using it. thanks for the reply. by the way what should i do about the blister.

02-03-05, 11:15 AM
My monitor can get pretty close to my bulb and have never noticed any blistering on his back and I use a hotter bulb than that. Maybe it's the bulb you're using? I don't know I just haven't ever had a problem with blistering. He seems to know when he's getting warm, and when he's cold because he's always moving from basking spot to basking spot to regulate his temperature.

02-03-05, 11:31 PM
thanks for all the help guys. i came home tonight and found out that its just his skin shedding. i guess when i saw him he just came from the waterbowl to soak. my sav dont have blisters.