View Full Version : what would you want to read about.......

02-01-05, 09:37 PM
Hi all,
If you could choose what you wanted to see written in a book on monitor lizards what would it be? Please list your top 5 priorities, 1-low, 5 being high....

Many Thanks,

02-01-05, 09:58 PM
Hey mbayless,

Are you talking about husbandry methods or different monitors? I might be missing something but I am not quite sure what you mean...?

02-01-05, 09:58 PM
sorry double post.

02-01-05, 10:41 PM
I'd like to see a book with a complete listing and description (with colour photographs, of course) of all currently known monitors. There have been quite a few new species popping up in the past few years, so most books are out of date in that regard.

Tim and Julie B
02-01-05, 10:52 PM
4) Species accounts/ranges, habitats etc.
3) Good photos
2) Up to date husbandry care including diet in captivity.
1) Tips for building decent enclosures at home

5) I would like to see a book with more then a paragraph on each type of Indonesian monitor (some of us like them!) I know Afican and Australian are the most popular but a little more info would be great.


02-01-05, 10:53 PM
Dito what croc doc says


02-01-05, 10:58 PM
Hi all,
Thanks for your comments so far - I am looking what people would like to read for both/either wild or captive conditions...

Tim and Julie B
02-01-05, 11:03 PM
To add to my number 4 spot. A book that has behavioral info wood be great. like how territorial they are with their own species and others. Sparing during mating etc.

Oh how are their numbers in the wild. Conflict with humans (habit destruction, commercialization). I have to many ideas........ sorry:D

02-02-05, 02:59 AM
Id say a section that extremely discriptively speaks our the substrate, an on going debate or worry, as well as the perfect diet you can offer.

master pt
02-02-05, 10:33 AM
like crodoc said photos of adult and juveniles, males and females

more info on the odatria grop

and more misc/anecdot info

02-02-05, 04:33 PM
Mark, there isn't enough captive husbandry info. that would definatly be a bonus. I really like T&J b's about enclosure construction. If you could use any photographs, I can try and get a digital camera and take some photos of my larger animals for you to use. cheers

02-02-05, 04:48 PM
I have to say that there is a lack of information regarding certain species. Peachthroats and Bluetails as well as Mangroves. In fact that whole complex of monitors would be a good subject for a book.

More info. regarding Indo. Malys. monitors