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01-31-05, 07:35 PM
My ball python hasnt ate in like 2 weeks and was geting scinny so i tryed to day and he ate but it looked like he had some trouble!!Is it beacuse he hasnt had one for a long time?? he was very scinny?but then when he was going for the other one he was kinda gilchy .. and when i was watching him he like had trouble geting his head in place.. dont know whats going on but i just thought I would ask you guys you gys are the smart ones lol

Thanks for your time Oliver

01-31-05, 08:10 PM
Ok, first off, this is in the blood python forum. :) :p

Second, 2 weeks is not a long time for balls to go without food. If he was looking skinny after only two weeks, he probably wasn't in tip-top shape to begin with. Now that he's eaten a meal, leave him alone for a few days to let him digest. I would offer him another meal in 6-7 days. Also, make sure his hot side is set to about 90F.

Third, think your questions through and take your time writing. Your post is very hard to read and understand. I'd love to help but you can't make it this difficult! :D

Fourth, what is "gilchy"? :D


02-01-05, 08:52 PM
Yeah, ditto Tim.


02-01-05, 10:13 PM
LOL sorry i thought this was the ball python lol sorry


02-01-05, 10:20 PM
I've moved this to the appropriate forum. I agree with Tim, however, no one can help you when they don't know what you're talking about or can't read your posts...

02-01-05, 10:28 PM
I'm surprised that you didn't mean that he has ate the last two weeks and now skiped a meal and is looking really fat. LOL!!! Just joking

But really like tim said if he looks skinny after a few weeks of not eating then he can't be in very good shape. Also I think that if he does not put more weight on soon then you should take him to vet and get a check up done, because it might have internal parisites. HTH