View Full Version : my first self built cage

01-31-05, 07:21 PM
here it is made of melamine its 4x2x2 decent size for my semi big boa its not done just yet, still have the heat tape and dimmer to do but prolly come end of this week when my other cage is finished and everything is wired and heated but thanks for looking


01-31-05, 08:21 PM
Looks great. For the borders, like the part that still isnt "finished" you can buy this white plastic stuff from a home depot or similar store that you iron on and leaves it with a nice finish. It'll look better then leaving it brown :)

01-31-05, 08:26 PM
What are you going to do about the lighting? I'm just wondering...I'm gonna build my first cage/cabinet soon too!

01-31-05, 08:28 PM
yea i have some just not on yet that will come with the heat tape and wiring the dimmer....just curious bartman, did you put lights in your big cage??

01-31-05, 10:13 PM
Awesome looking viv.

02-01-05, 12:11 AM
I screwed in fixtures into my tanks and then id build a square block out of left over melamine with screen at the bottom. This way the snake couldnt be burnt by mistake. With boa's as they are more terrestrial, in a tank like yours, I would personally not worry about them getting burnt. Ive seen tons of animals with no cover over the lights and they are smart enough to know its very hot. Im going to get yelled at lol, but there will be no reason for a bci to wrap around a light fixture, where as something like a jcp/atb/etc. would be more prone to hanging on where then I would put a box. To be safe you could put a box.

02-01-05, 12:16 AM
My bci does hang around his light fixture..(The light isnt on). Hes only 9 month old and 2 1/2 -3ft. He dosent do it often just somtime. I am sure when he gets bigger he wont be able to. When I build my cage I would probley put a light cover on..

02-01-05, 12:28 AM
looking good!

02-01-05, 11:26 PM
awesome thanks

02-08-05, 09:59 AM
I have seen people use and recommend the "light ropes" which give off a nice not too bright light and don't get too hot. Apparently they actually get just warm enough that the snakes like climbing on them to bask. I have not tried them out yet, but I plan too in the near future.

02-10-05, 01:39 PM
i acualy used them once (rope lights) and i painted them black with a non-toxic marine paint and wraped it tight like coils arounf a pice of 2" dowel and my boa loved chillin on it it got to a nice 82 f , nice baskin temp.....works great, i painted it black so it wasnt like one huge light bulb...lol

reptile boi
02-12-05, 12:13 AM

This light rope sounds interesting, where can i find some and how much would it cost me?


02-12-05, 12:18 AM
if its the stuff im thinkin.. canadian tire walmart. ect