View Full Version : Finally some results..

01-31-05, 05:25 PM
Ok well its been a long couple of weeks..... after some failed senting attempts I finally got bob to a new vet. We determined one of the most likely reasons he hasn't been eating much was dehydration. He wieghed in at 9.8 grams. The vet and I will be monitering this wieght for a few weeks to hopefully show some sign of improvement. He was given some fluid shots to help quickly re hydrate him and I also switched him to a shallower water bowl. In addition to the fluid shots he was also given a vitamin b shot, which should make him a bit more hungy. I'll have to see in the morning if he'll take his food.
More updates and pics tommorow.
Keep your fingers crossed please, I think he might pull through:)

EDIT: forgot to add in some details

01-31-05, 05:36 PM
ahh and I also forgot to mention that I'm also having some parasite tests done as soon as he defects next.

01-31-05, 10:21 PM
i dont know your situation but it is always good to hear that an animal is doing better even if its just a little better, i am sure he will pull through, keep us updated.

02-01-05, 11:13 AM
Sorry, I forgot to add in his background. He's a year and 2 month old hognose that I bought being force feed from a pet store a year ago ( first mistake), I got him to eat on his own but he was always skipping meals and I had to constantly find new ways to get him to eat.
Then after the last expo in november he completely stopped eating. Normally I woudn't worry but seeing as he was never in the greatest shape. I tried senting,live,f/t,f/k leaving it in overnight in a rubbermaid but nothing worked.
I keep him in a 10 gal with proper heating ( 90 basking, 86 warm end and 75 in the cool end) and at 40% humidity. He had a big water bowl and two hideboxes. ( which is why it was such a surprise when it turned out to be dehydration:S)

Anyways last night a offered the smallest pinky I could find( shown below) and he refused so I'm going to try braining tonight.

and here are some updated shots of him



02-01-05, 12:23 PM
That hide looks huge for him...are you sure it's not a stress thing with him not eating?

02-01-05, 12:53 PM
hmm yes thats true usually I keep him on bedding which allows him to burrow and I usually just find him underneath it. I'm going to go rubbermiad hunting right now and see if I can make some smaller ones.

Oh I have one mopre question I've never done braining before, does anyone know the best way which makes the less mess?
Thank you Kayla

02-01-05, 01:26 PM
What's his tank size?

02-01-05, 01:39 PM
10 gal
and I changed the hideboxes to smaller cut down kd boxes and will be adding back bedding soon se he can borrow

02-01-05, 01:55 PM
Have you scented the pinkie with maybe lizard shed or something of the like? You could try that.

02-01-05, 02:27 PM
yes I tried using an anole

02-01-05, 02:32 PM
Have you tried scenting with tuna juice? I think I replied to another one of your threads about it.

02-01-05, 03:44 PM
lol yup tried that after the failed anole, he also simply ignored it. I'm going to give him the rest of the day just to relax as I put back in his bedding and changed his hideboxes and then try braining tonight... which should be pleasent:S. Not really looking forward to it but anything for him.
Wish me luck

02-01-05, 05:15 PM
I hope he gets better.

02-01-05, 10:01 PM
thank you, I really don't want to imagine life without him.:( He's the greatest little dude with a huge personality.
I also decided it would be a stupid move on my opart to try braining tonight after him just getting back from the vet so i'll wait till monday.
More updates then.

02-02-05, 11:15 PM
I've heard some hoggies take goldfish???? You may want to use something that he can burrow in so it makes him feel more comfortable.

Glad to hear he's doin a bit better.

Best way to brain, tack to head ;) there will always be mess when you are intentionally making brains come out.
Another idea is to cut off the end of the pinks nose.

02-03-05, 11:56 AM
I've heard some hoggies take goldfish????
Goldfish really should not be fed to anything.

Try scenting with a western species of toad, since that is their natural prey. You may also try misting the cage down, then offering the prey a couple hours later. Just a couple things off the top of my head.

02-03-05, 01:49 PM
You could also try scenting with a goldfish. The problem with feeding goldfish is that they, and all other members of the minnow family, contain thiaminase, an enzyme that destroys vitamin B1 and causes problems with nerves and muscle coordination.

Jonathan Crowe has an article on thiaminase and other health issues here (http://www.gartersnake.info/care/health.phtml#vitaminb1).

Here (http://books.nap.edu/books/030903325X/html/64.html#pagetop) is a list of fish that do and do not contain thiaminase.

Hope this helped.


02-03-05, 02:11 PM
thanks for the link CamHanna and the advice everyone else. I would try using a toad butI can;t find them anywhere right now seeing it's winter. If it were summer I'd simply go catch my own. Does anyone know where you can order in toads?
Saw him drink a bit the other day, has been burrowing the whole time which is good I suppose, will have to see what monday brings.
Thanks again for the help

02-03-05, 02:46 PM
Why would anyone suggest fish at all? I have never read anything referencing Heterodon preyingon fish of any type.

02-03-05, 02:52 PM
senting the item with fish can trigger a feeding response in some species. I have noticed it on fat tail geckos, and some honduran milksnakes. And I know some people who had success getting hognose started on pinkies by dipping half the pinkie in some fish oil (huile de morue) what ever the term in english is.

02-03-05, 02:56 PM
I've heard that difficult young Heterodon will sometimes eat fish as well. As far as why, I'd have to agree with B.W., it doesn't make any sense to me.

02-03-05, 04:41 PM
I read a post a while ago about "feeding" him fuzzy/juvie mouse tails for a while. They claimed that 1- it kept the hog going till he decided to eat on his own and 2- got it used to the taste of pinks/mice. I just read this so don't jump all over me on this one, I've never done this myself but if it doesn't eat I would try something like this as opposed to the dreded force feeding pinkies. Apparently the tails litteraly slide right down there throats. Just what I read!