View Full Version : Spring/Summer planning. Help me?

01-31-05, 12:44 PM
I'm wanting to get some more photos (no collection) of some ontario snake species this year and was just wondering if anyone can give me some habitat information on finding a couple in particular (I respect anyone that does not want to give actuall locations, I would prefer just habitat info to protect them). Heres the ones I'm looking for, for this year

Eastern hognose
Eastern milks
*Black rat snake (if possible)
Smooth greens

I've gotten lots of Turtle and garter snake pics over the past few years but never went out specifically for snakes yet. Just thought I'd work on putting a little presentation together if possible (about a four year project I assume) Thanks, and if there are any other interesting species you think I should be looking at for this year let me know! And just to re-iterate my point. Under no circumstances will myself or the person coming with me be collecting or disturbing, just some photos, nothing more.


01-31-05, 02:13 PM
Good luck on the hognose and the green, those guys are very difficult to spot and track.

01-31-05, 04:36 PM
Actually I didn't plan on any of these being easy to find, let alone photograph, but if it was easy, everyone would do it!

Kyle Barker
02-02-05, 10:21 PM
i *think* its rmbolten...if not it is somone on these boards. teh pelee island trip sounds fun. i knwo it kind of takes teh "fun" out of finding them yourself...in ways. but it would be an excellent way to learn about those species and others...including habitat.

id be going there if it wasnt such an expensive drive.

02-02-05, 10:30 PM
You can give Jeff Hathaway a shout at info@scisnake.com and he should be able to help you out with the Pelee Island trip this year.
P.S. Yeah, that would be an expensive drive for you Kyle!

Edit: Give Jeff some time for a reply because he may still be in Belize.

Kyle Barker
02-05-05, 11:12 PM
damn...almos thad the name right...kinda :D

maybe in a few years when my money situation is a little clearer...ive been wanting to go for a couple years now. or if an airline is doing a cheap seat thing....that woudl be pretty amazing!

Jeff Hathaway
02-09-05, 04:58 PM
Back from Belize!!! Trip report will be along at some point, great trip overall, some great herps, but didn't find a single snake!

The Pelee trip is probably a go for the May long weekend, May 21-23. There may be a second trip as well the weekend before. More info will be posted in the near future. None of gargoyle's target species can be found on the island, but there are lots of others to see, and in great numbers. Last year we probably saw around 500 snakes, of all 5 species on the island.

Jeff Hathaway
Sciensational Sssnakes!!

02-09-05, 07:09 PM
Any oportunity for any species would be awsome! If this is an "open" trip I would really like to come along!