View Full Version : First vet visit, any advice?

11-08-02, 02:33 PM
So I am taking my BP to the vet tomorrow for a respitory infection. She isn't bad, just still making those whistling noises. Even though it isn't horrible with snot bubbles and such, I still want to get her back to being 100% healthy.

I've never taken a snake to a doctor before, anything I should know or do? (If she poops out Tuesday's meal before we go, I already plan on bringing the vet that as a gift.)



11-09-02, 08:20 PM
Hey usually a fecal is included in a general check up... so if you could get a stool sample before you go that would be better... if not they usally give you a bottle to get one when she goes... check the break down of the reciept and if it says fecal then make sur eyou take the bottle and bring in a sample :) no use wasting money!