View Full Version : not eatin there greens!

01-31-05, 03:28 AM
`i have had my vittkens and they are growing very well ,but my only worry is that they are not eatin any greens or veg!i have tried and tired but they will not eat!:( ,does it matter?

01-31-05, 12:23 PM
greens become more important as your BD gets older. By one year of age his diet should consist mainly of greens with live prey only once a week. go here, there are some tricks for getting them to eat other foods. Variety is the key. keep trying different things til you find something your BD likes.

there are more links on this page for healthy diets as well.

Manitoban Herps
01-31-05, 03:05 PM
Try putting some romaine lettuce in a dish full of meal or super worms. Or rubbing a peice of lettuce on top of the beardie's head.

01-31-05, 05:13 PM
I also find hand feeding them works well. My male wont touch his greens now adays unless they are hand fed then he eats like a bottomless pit :)

01-31-05, 05:31 PM
Manitoban, romain lettuce (or any type of lettuce) is a very very poor choice for greens. Watts try some collard greens or dandelion greens. if you cannot find either of those try bok choy, its not the best but its not the worst either./

01-31-05, 05:38 PM
Mustard, collard, turnip, kale, swiss chard, bok choy, endive, dandelion greens try some of theses greens. As concept said stay away from lettuces they are basicly water with little to no nutrition stick with the nice dark greens except for spinach.

How old is your beardie, it can have something to do with age. I find beardies don't start being interested in greens and veggies until they are sub adults.


02-01-05, 05:29 AM
i have tried feedin by hand!left them in a bowl,tired a mixure!they only like things that move :)

02-01-05, 09:22 AM

theres a section on how to get them to eat there salads.. it has very good ideas.. its in the FAQ section.. just hit the button and its closer to the bottom