View Full Version : H2o Dragon...

Manitoban Herps
01-29-05, 09:15 PM
Here is my male/female, I think male, chinese water dragon. He has a problem with his upper and lower lip, but he is still going strong. His/her name is Lewis :)




Thanks for looking.

01-29-05, 09:27 PM
out of curiosity, do you know the problem with his lip area? mouthrot? or something else genetic?

Very nice dragon though. I've always liked CWD.


Manitoban Herps
01-29-05, 10:17 PM
He just developed it, I gave him the right amount of D3 lights and vitamins/calcium.

Every week it is slowly getting better.

01-29-05, 10:58 PM
good to hear. One day I'll have CWD. I would really like to make a large enclosure for a pair. Alas, waiting to finish school and start a career....minor obstacles;)

01-29-05, 11:09 PM
That problem with the mouth is quite common with water dragons.
It isn`t mouth rot.

What it is, is from being in too small of a cage or in a housing situation it is not comfortable with ESPECAILLY glass enclosures. They will, almost obsesively, bang and rub their mouths on different parts of their cage until they almost have no mouth or nose.

They do this with glass enclosures because they can see out and see their own reflection. The best thing to do is to have a very large enclosure (which I am sure you have because they can get to over 3 ft long ) and put plants around the edges to help distract from the glass. It also helps to have different things for them to do in the cage. Plenty of crickets to hunt - plenty to climb- huge place to swim, and a water fountian makes it fun as well. If he has a big enough pond put some feeder fish in it and he`ll love it

01-29-05, 11:12 PM
it's a male, and it is mouthrot.. treat it by improving it's enclosure, its noserub thats gotten pretty bad from the looks of it. you want something larger to avoid this.

I would treat the current injury with amild application of hydrogen peroxide, once it fizze's throw a bit of betadine on it. should clear up in no time. nice lizard btw!

betadine is available only through a pharmacist, you must ask for it. it's like a mild iodine.

01-29-05, 11:24 PM
Just with what I know about Ulcerative Stomatitis, it doesn`t look like it at all to me. Having delt with Mouth rot before and having delt with water dragons and their behavior I am wondering why you think it is mouth rot V.hb - just incase there is something I am not understanding. Thanx :)

Manitoban Herps
01-30-05, 12:57 AM
It's not him rubbing against the galss for sure, he is around 16 inches and is in a cage that is 4x2x2. 80-90 % humidity.

Thanks for the help :)