View Full Version : Partial paralysis

01-28-05, 10:53 PM
I've got my female Dragon that I got awhile back from ****. When I got her, her hind legs are extended back, her big toe was bent backwards and she was walking on the back of her hands.
Well I've had her for 6 months, but when I took her to the vet he said that it was probably impaction, but it wasn't since I don't feed to big of prey items but he might have, but nothing fixed it and 6 months later she still has this problem. Well I Was reading up something and found that this could be fatal? I have run out of options if this is the case as my vet must be a shmuck, and I don't know what to do, I want to save her :-/ so I've taken her off solids and stuck to meat baby food and greens, any help is appreciated. Getting really worried over here, I'm helping one gecko to health but there's nothing I've been able to do for this dragon. Maybe it's perminant and she is going to just live life like this? Could that be the case? I just don't want her to die, maybe I'll try the vet in Syracuse but I don't want to drive 7 hrs round trip to be told the same thing...

(edited to remove breeder's name.

01-28-05, 11:31 PM
This may be a weird question, but is she able to move her tail at all? Is there any movement in her hind quarters? What do you mean by "walking on the back of her hands"? Just trying to get a better picture of the problem.

Paralysis can be caused by a number of things, and what mystery 'thing' caused it can often have clues in the precise nature of the paralysis.

01-29-05, 12:46 AM
She does move her tail and she can move her legs they just move akwardly. By the back of her hands I mean, her front legs. and she walks on the back of her hands (paws w/e u want to call them)

She goes to the bathroom fine. Large solid stools on a daily basis. And she's extremely active. She climbs the lizard ladder I have for her, and she sheds fine. I give her solar drops once a week and food powdered w/ d3 once a week, as well as food powdered with vitamins once a week.

Her substrate is and has been paper towels, but like I said she was like this when I got her, I didn't notice at the show because she was in one of those carrying cups like most animals are at the shows. Now ***** claims there was no receipt of the sale, and I can't find my receipt I'm sure it's around somewhere but too late to do anything now.

(edited to remove breeder's name.

01-29-05, 08:38 AM
I removed the breeder's name since there's some 'negative feedback' in this post, which keeps it withing the TOS.

First off, I don't have much bearded dragon experience, but I've noticed a few things in your post that might be worth mentioning.

You use solar drops as well as dust with vitamin D3. Solar drops are such a potent source of the D3 precursors, you should never ever supply plain D3, you're asking for an overdose which could prove fatal. Even though your beardie has all the D3 he could possibly use, you could end up with him suffering from MBD. If you have UV-B lights as well, that's just making the situation even worse. I personally wouldn't use the solar drops, nor moon drops, it's too potent a concoction, and even the directions tell you to be extremely careful, they just don't stress how imperative it is to be precise.

If the dragon was having problems when you received him, could it have been a shipping injury? I don't know if he was shipped or picked up at a show etc, but the trip to your house might have been a bit rough for him in the delicup/container.
Walking on the back of the 'hands' is sometimes a first symptom of MBD, or the permanent deformity as aresult of MBD after treatment. Since you said he walked that way when you got him, it's hard to tell if he had MBD which was treated previous to you buying him.

There's also a chance it's a deformity he was hatched with, which might not make him a good candidate for breeding if it's genetic.
All told, it's hard to say just what might be the problem without way more background info, chances are a good medical examination might be the best way to go to find out what's wrong.
One thing I definitely would do though if I were you ... get rid of the solar drops, rely only on D3 dusting and UV-B lights. If you do feel you want to keep using the drops, don't do it as frequently as you have been, D3 is stored in the body, so maybe reduce the drops to montly doses.

01-29-05, 03:54 PM
I only used the solar drops every thursday, it says to do it exactly a week apart on the package. And I didn't mean to say I supplimented with D3 once a week I used just plain calcium with 0 D3 like I use for my nocturnal geckos to lick from a bowl while breeding. I did the extra calcium supplimenting because ofthe possibility of MBD. I don't use UVB that's why I substituted with solar drops. I find UVB very ineffective because I used it before and the dragons never seemed to get close enough to the light for it to matter in their large tanks.

She had this problem when I got her. I don't see how there's negative feedback with the name but oh well. He knows I've been contactng him about it and if I could've found the receipt he would have helped me out. But anyways she wont be used for breeding, I just want her to get better.