View Full Version : Question about food and digestion (ie. poop)

01-28-05, 04:57 PM
How does does it take the average hatching to poop after a meal? (4.5 months old)

I brought him home monday night, he ate tuesday night (I didn't think he would eat at all, but he was rather agressive in taking it lol), and nothing yet.

Tis normal, yes? I know adults can go over a week without going... Is that correct?

What's the poop schedule for balls? (I'm used to corns, new to boids).


01-28-05, 06:10 PM
Adults can go many, many weeks without pooping. Asking when a ball will poop is like me asking you to tell me exactly how many times you'll poop in the next six days. Every ball is different, he'll poop when he's ready. I have balls that poop 4 days after eating, and I have balls that poop 4 weeks after eating. It's a crap shoot. Haha! (See what I just did there)! Crap shoot! I kill me!....

01-28-05, 06:18 PM
LOL! like I said I'm used to corns. My corn poops like clockwork, the 2nd night after his meal, and again on the day of his next feed.

But corns poop a lot. LOL! Thanks for the reply!

01-31-05, 02:01 PM
LMFAO!!! Crap Shoot...Ahhh(sigh)...That's some funny $#!t!!!!

01-31-05, 07:09 PM
6 days since his last meal... still no poop... hmmmm....

02-01-05, 05:40 PM

02-01-05, 05:48 PM
*groan* That was bad Mykee. Funny, but bad.

Spirit: No worries man... food goes in, poop comes out. Just takes a while sometimes.

02-01-05, 06:32 PM
LOL! I'm completely weirded out by this lack of poop thing (8 days now), but he'll crap when the urge hits, I guess. I'm just too used to my cornsnake. Corns poop a lot. LOL

02-01-05, 06:38 PM
When I got my first Ball Python, I had already owned corns and kingsnakes for quite some time...and it was my first python of any kind. The lack of crap really had me worried big time at first! I just couldn't handle the fact it wasn't going at all even after quite a few meals.

In the end everything was obviously fine, and I now have 6 pythons, who all thankfully crap just as little (compared to colubrids) as my first :D

Another python perk!


02-01-05, 08:37 PM
Lol at mykee!

My youngest female blood didnt crap for 6 months, then 3 months, and now craps twice every 3 or so weeks. I know its not a blood, but whatever, no worries about the crap.

My balls crap......sometimes two days in a row or twice a day or sometimes not for a few weeks.

(still laughing at mykee's "crap shoot")


02-03-05, 11:05 AM
I have one female that has been eating one rat a week or more but hasn't had a poop for almost 4 weeks!! LOL, after last nights meal though I'm sure it will come, I'm afraid to pick her up cause she looks ready to explode from that end!! The interesting thing is that she ends up having a small crap and then sheds and instead of looking like she needs a crap she just lengthened big time!!

02-03-05, 11:17 AM
LOL! This is normal even in hatchlings? I'm actually just on my way out the door to talk to my snake guy. Toka's eyes are SILL blue (10 days later) and he's not showing any signs of a shed. That in combination with the not pooping thing has be a bit weirded out. I know it's only barely been two weeks BUT...


And might I add... SIX MONTHS??? *shock* What's 1 week, eh? Holy lord... LOL

02-03-05, 11:37 AM
shes not gonna poop til she sheds...well she probably wont. just relax balls take their own sweet time. they got a lot to breakdown in there. and as for the shedding, that will come soom, just make sure to mist her/him daily and keep the humidity up and you wont have a prob. :)

02-03-05, 02:55 PM
Well I just got back from seeing my snake expert friend, and he laughed (loudly) and told me how great I am. Bastage.

I showed him a pic of my snakes blue eyes (they were blue-ISH for two weeks, but today they're DEFINITELY blue and the belly has a pinkish "hue") and I mentioned the lack of poop. He told me my snake had a tumor and was going to die, then started laughing and asked me what I wanted when I'm in the hospital with these uclers I'm giving myself. LOL

The snake will crap when he sheds, which by the looks of things should be very soon. I hope.

Man... I knew pythons were different than corns, but I REALLY had no idea just HOW different. LMAO!!

All is well! Well, with my snake anyway... ME, I'm not so sure about... lol

02-03-05, 03:48 PM
You're friend sounds really nice... I agree with him though.

02-03-05, 09:58 PM
Yup Ball Pythons and Ulcers go hand in hand if you are a worry wart. LOL, relax, take a deep breath and count to ten!! LOL, that is what my kids tell me anyway when I get frustrated, hate it when they remember those things selectively!! :)

02-13-05, 12:19 AM
Alright. Jan 24th this ball came home with me and has since eaten 3 meals, shed once, and no poop.

Seriously... This is NORMAL??

*remembers to breathe* lol

02-13-05, 02:48 PM
yes, perfectly normal, I have had a ball go about 4 months without pooping, and when they do, you'll know ;) lol

02-13-05, 02:57 PM
I can understand an adult, but a hatchling though?

02-13-05, 03:34 PM
Originally posted by Spirit
LOL! like I said I'm used to corns. My corn poops like clockwork, the 2nd night after his meal, and again on the day of his next feed.

But corns poop a lot. LOL! Thanks for the reply!

Thats why I'd never want a corn again. I had a corn for five years, and about 9/10 times he'd decide to poop on my hand, or my shirt, or my couch...

02-13-05, 04:37 PM
Corns only poop after you clean their enclosure. Maybe try that with the Ball. If that doesn't work, look into getting a colonoscopy. LOL, just kidding!

03-27-05, 02:47 PM
POOOOOP! Freaking FIIIINALLY!! Found one smallish turd a couple days ago, and a larger one this morning. Now hopefully I won't have to wait another 2 months for more poop (as nice as the lack of viv cleaning was). lol

LOL Pablo and Paul! I have to say, I was SO HAPPY to see that bp crap is NOT the same as corn crap. Corn crap is naaaaasty. lol

Have any of you even been crapped on by your ball?

03-28-05, 01:15 AM
Holy Crap! It's about time! LOL

Princess Erica
03-29-05, 08:45 PM
Thankfully mine hasn't pooped on me... yet. I'm sure he'll leave me a surprise one day though, and you know it'll be one of the times when he's crawling inside of my shirt or something. :D

Mine (just barely a juvenile) poops pretty regularly, usually 4 days after a meal. Sometimes he'll go a week or 2, but he's pretty regular about the 4 day thing.

03-29-05, 09:34 PM
On of my friends finaly summoned up the courage to hold my BP, he was never really a fan of snakes, and about a minute into holding him he got **** on. another time i was watching tv and i just let him roam about on the bed for 20 mins and he crapped on my bed.

03-29-05, 09:53 PM
Such a hooplah over poop. What is this world coming to...

03-29-05, 10:03 PM
Wait until they start worrying about eggs............ ;)

03-29-05, 10:32 PM
That wouldn't be in anyway a poke at me would it Jeff. LOL :P JK!

03-29-05, 11:36 PM
Come on now! When you're used to a snake that craps at LEAST twice a week, 2 months is a VERY LONG TIME to wonder if the first turd is going to be of the green liquidy kind! At least I know it was healthy now... Phew! lol

03-30-05, 10:11 AM

03-30-05, 11:54 AM
LMAO, I love it when they don't poop for a couple weeks, some of my smaller guys still crap weekly, I love the ones that decide to wait!!

03-30-05, 02:08 PM
WEEKS, Nita? This was over 2 MONTHS! LOL!!! Sure was nice while it lasted though... back to healthy now, please. LOL