View Full Version : Baby Rats

01-28-05, 05:34 AM
Okay my female just gave birth, do I need to to anything at all? Or will she take care of them with no interference?


01-28-05, 05:56 AM
unless you want pets (even then, just handle the babies a few minutes a day)

don't worry about it, take what you need and leave her alone.

Make sure there is plenty of food and water though.

01-28-05, 06:06 AM
Okay thanks, sorry, it's my first litter :)

01-28-05, 09:05 PM
not a problem, everyone has firsts :)

01-28-05, 10:41 PM
If this is the females first litter, don't be surprised if some of the babies are either eaten or killed. It's the nature of the beast for a first litter.

01-29-05, 05:48 AM
really mykee? I never had that problem when I was breeding rats. If the mother feels nervous, scared or think that "something" is going to get to the babies, she will eat or kill them. If she is over whelmed by the babies she will also kill them (eat them), if she wasn't "taught" how to "mother" from her mother, she will probably easily get overwhelmed and eat a few ;)

01-29-05, 09:51 PM
Well, so far so good. All alive and squeeking. Both females are taking care of the litter, and the Male seems to even be a bit protective. I am just scared to stick my hand in there now because they got so aggressive. LOL Kinda defeats the purpose to have babies if I can't get them out to turn into snake food.

01-29-05, 10:04 PM
Shawn, I can stick my hands in my colonies at any time and never been bit. If you've handled the rats enough, they'll learn to no longer be afraid of you, and you can handle the babies with no problems.

01-29-05, 10:12 PM
don't worry about getting bit. most rats arn't that bad. I seldomly have problems with first time mothers. If your that worried you can easily handle your breeder to keep them calmer. For myself I don't handle mine and have little problem but I usually just grab them by the tail when I have to handle them.

01-29-05, 10:54 PM
aren't that bad mark? Have you ever had an angry or scared rat bite you?! It hurts BAD!

Their bottom teeth split apart to something like a V and put their top teeth in between, some people swear they can hold on forever! lol

Ya, what I did when I had aggresive mother is grabbed them by the base of the tail for a quick transfer into another box or bucket or something, and do a head count and take what I needed.

01-29-05, 11:44 PM
Yup, it hurts, their teeth are like razors too. I handled them all the time, at least once a day but once they started getting fat, and ready to have the babies I left them. Anyways I am sure everything will be fine in a day or two.

01-30-05, 10:53 AM
Yes, I've been bit by a pissed of mother. Besides bleeding just clean it and slap a band-aid on it and your good to go. If you are always getting bit cull tht female and replace her with a laid back one.

01-30-05, 09:00 PM
Ahh one thing to watch for, if you start getting any signs of redness or red lines coming out from the bite mark get to a hospital immediatly. It's very rare as rats have dry bites and usually don't get saliva in most bite wounds.

But it is always a possibility, aside from slappin a bandaid on it, put something like neosporin on it.

I've seen people be bit to the bone, and have to go to the hospital over a rat bite!

02-01-05, 11:00 AM