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01-27-05, 04:45 PM
Nolvasan (chlorhexidine diacetate) and Chlorhexidine gluconate - 2% ???

01-28-05, 08:49 AM
OK, I found out they are basicly the same fore all intensive purposes. I found another product called Cherry-256 disinfectant and deoderizer but I really dont understand all of the ingredients:

Didecyl dimethyl ammonium chloride
n-Alkyl (C1450%, C1240%, C1610%) 9.70%
dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride 6.67%

it is diluted 256:1

product info can be found here
cliick the more info button at the bottom and use the pull down

any constructive advice is welcome

02-10-05, 05:23 PM
Well there is more to the story for anyone interested.
Chlorhexidine is an active ingredient in various disinfectants. It comes in a variety of strengths including 2%, 4% and 5%. It also comes in two forms, Chlorhexidine Acetate and Chlorhexidine Gluconate. The Acetate is a product called Nolvasan (by Fort Dodge) and the Gluconate is the generic product made by various companies. There is a huge price difference between them. So are they the same? Is the generic Gluconate the same? Not according to Fort Dodge. Here are copies of their product sheets. For more info, you can contact them directly at 1-800-685-5656.

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