View Full Version : new beardie

01-27-05, 07:04 AM
I've kept and bred snakes for quite a few years now. Been wanting a beardie for a few months and finally got one 2 days ago. He's about 2 months old, about 4", supposed to be some sunfire or sandfire X something, forgot what his parents were, but it's a sandfire x something. I traded this local breeder a normal bci baby I had, which I would've sold for $50-$75.

So far, I have him set up in a 10gln tank, Lizard Liner carpeting, Exo Terra Repti-Glo 8.0 - 15 Watt -18" for UVB, 100W bulb for basking spot, Rep-Cal Herptivite, Rep-Cal Calcium - Ultrafine with Vitamin D3, Orange Cube for crickets. I bought about 50 1/4" crickets and planned on feeding twice a day crickets plus greens in the morning. I bought Romaine and some Escarole for greens. I mist his head 2-3X a day to keep him hydrated.

Here is a few pics, I've been placing a few crickets in with him and some greens, he has eaten maybe 3-5 crix in 2 days and very little greens. The hotspot is at 110-115F, cool side 80F. I'm hoping he is just getting acclimated to his new environment.

Either way, I ordered some silkworms yesterday which should arrive today. Hopefully the silkies will entice some feeding response. I've read a beardie at this stage should be eating anywhere from 30-50 appropriate size crix a day. The silkies will cost me $0.03 which is fine with me as long as he eats them, plus I won't have to deal with the hassle of keeping crickets.

