View Full Version : Rug O Love

01-26-05, 02:11 AM
My lace monitors were at it on the floor again. This will be their third clutch this season, if she lays.


Scales Zoo
01-26-05, 03:25 AM
That is a very good picture of the monitors, and while it won't make it into National Geographic, I just love your rug! That is the coolest thing ever, lacies breeding on your living room rug, and so many people are hauling all kinds of dirt into their houses!!!!

Bur that is a very good picture, if you have a larger version, I'd love you to email it to me so I can hang it on the wall.

Thank you for my carpet lace porn fix!


Tim and Julie B
01-26-05, 04:11 AM
It just proves when they want to do it...it really doesn't matter where. Great pic and hopefully she will lay some eggs for you.

01-26-05, 07:28 AM
Thats amazin, good luck!

01-26-05, 02:17 PM
Congrats David! thats great! love the picture.

01-26-05, 03:39 PM
Originally posted by Tim and Julie B
It just proves when they want to do it...it really doesn't matter where. Great pic and hopefully she will lay some eggs for you.
Actually, Tim and Julie, it's not so much a matter of them getting the urge then doing it then and there; The female actually prefers to mate on that rug. The enclosure is too full of 'furniture' (logs, hides, nest box, water containers etc) and uncomfortable and the rest of my home has got tile floor. When I let them out of the enclosure yesterday the male tried to get it on with her in the bathroom, but she bolted from him until she hit the rug, then immediately stopped and assumed 'the position'. It was very intentional. In the above photo you can see the tassles, from the edge of the rug, on the right hand side.

Ryan, my uploads are slow, but I'll try to get a copy of that photo for you (not for publication, it goes without saying).