View Full Version : Could my new shark be pregnant?

01-25-05, 11:50 PM
Hello Everyone I am wondering if my new high-fin ull shark, aka, the columbian catfish could be regnant. I recently got her at a petshop and the guy picked a random shark and put him in the bag then i brought it home. When it was time to put her in the tank i realized her tummy was very sollen. Could my shark named bullET be pregnant or just fat, or even sadly could she be sick? Thank you for taking your time to read this and hopefully respond.

01-25-05, 11:57 PM
It's size would be a good indication of wether it would be pregnant or not. How large... or small is it?
Also, do it's scales appear to be sticking out at all? When a fishes belly balloons up and it's scales stick out then it is probably dropsy. This is a very common disease with goldfish, gouramis and bettas but I have never seen it in a catfish. (Not to say it isn't possible)
Have a good look and if you can't figure it out then you may want to take it back to the pet store where you got it from.


01-26-05, 12:01 AM
The shark is 2-3 inches long and the scales are not sticking out, they are slick and when you look at the shark from the top the buldges are from the sides as well as the buldge underneath it.

01-26-05, 12:09 AM
If it's either a high-fin bull shark or a high-fin banded shark it's not possible for it to be pregnant at that size.

01-26-05, 12:11 AM
That's a relief. What size can they get pregnant? i cant find much information on this shark, such as what buddies to get him or if i should get any or if i should get anoter bull shark or what, do you know any sites?

01-26-05, 12:12 AM
You should try having a look at our sister site.. www.allthingsaquatic.com

01-26-05, 05:42 PM
Whew! Though I was having a bad dream.

01-26-05, 09:13 PM
there's a very easy answer to this:

1. catfish are egg layers and external fertilisers, so they can't become pregnant. Females can become 'ripe' with unfertilised eggs, though.

2. catfish have no scales, so the scales can't stand up if they have dropsy.