View Full Version : Incubatior Question: Size

Brent Strande
01-25-05, 08:02 PM
Hello fellow Incubator builders...

I have been looking into building my own incubator sometime soon, and am planning on a "display" type refridgerator with glass doors, so that I would need to open the door less to check on the eggs.

My original intention was to find a mini fridge to remodel, but so far the only option that I have found is a larger model. The measurements of the base are approx 28"x28" and the unit stands between 5-6' tall.

This would be great as it could hold quite a few eggs, but I am concerned that such a vertical gradient could cause problems keeping temps consistent. I'd like to be able to incubate chondro eggs if the situation arose!

I plan on using flexwatt and a proportional thermostat. Would I need to install a fan into something of this height?

I would really appreciate some input before I decide to take this large refridgerator in (PS, it's nice looking, a Dr Pepper one!) and begin modification.


01-25-05, 10:59 PM
Yes, you would definitely want to install a fan, to avoid the heat from "layering". With regards to your mini-fridge idea, you can pick up a 60-bottle wine fridge that would need no tinkering at Costco for under $200.

Brent Strande
01-26-05, 12:48 AM
Yeah, but this one is $000, haha.

I'm a ghetto herper at times, but what I may do is hold out til I find one thats smaller still (Ive seen the smaller soda ones in stores, so just may have to keep on searching.

Do you think that the glass door will provide enough insulation, as opposed to an insulated fridge door?

01-26-05, 05:41 PM
Sure, seen it done all over the place. As long as you have a proportional thermostat hooked up, you'll have no worries.

Brent Strande
01-27-05, 02:41 PM
Thanks man!