View Full Version : How big

01-25-05, 10:07 AM
TO house a adultred tailed boa what size of cage would I need. JW I was thinking about buying one and iam looking on care sheets lots just thought i would ask you guys !!!

Thanks Oliver

01-25-05, 11:09 AM
First off when you refer to the redtail boas are you talking about the common bci's since they are commonly called redtails even though they arn't true bcc's..

01-25-05, 05:01 PM
i house my adults (argentines, but same diff) in 5' x 2' x 18".

01-25-05, 09:49 PM
Thanks Just wanted to know!


01-26-05, 07:29 AM
5x2x1.5 is a good size for adult boas. 6x2x1.5 is ideal if you have the space.

01-26-05, 06:31 PM
Thanks for that info!! or could i use a tank?

01-27-05, 11:45 AM
A tank would not be the best option. First off it would be really hard finding one with the right dimentions. They are rarely wide enough as most of them are 12-18 inches wide and you would need minimum 24". Secondly you would have a hard time keeping the temps and humidity right in a tank. I have one for my juvenile but definetly would not keep it in one for the life of the snake, even if I did have the right size. You would be able to find an enclosure built for a snake a lot cheaper then a tank of the same size anyway and it is even cheaper if you build one yourself. There are a lot of plans out there on the internet for building your own.

01-27-05, 12:00 PM
Caresheets are your friend. www.google.com type in "red-tailed boa care sheet'.