View Full Version : last year's find - this year's treasure

01-24-05, 09:48 PM
Was doing some cleaning tonight and thought I would take an updated pic of this girl that I got last year.

Here she is the same week that I got her in November...

Here she is today...

I think the "tangerine" colours on her came out quite nicely.:)


Manitoban Herps
01-24-05, 10:02 PM
Man, oh how I love AFT"S, I would rather someone give me a normal AFT, rather then them giving me any leopard gecko morph.

I love em that much :D

Very nice AFT buddy :)

01-25-05, 12:49 AM
Thanks! me too!

I weighed her while she was out and she weighed at 29.5 g and still has a great appetite. Gotta love AFT's.

01-25-05, 05:59 AM
Gorgeous fattie :)
I love the orange and brown, kind of reminds me of A&W, my favourite dining establishment :)

01-25-05, 06:04 AM
That's a good looking girl! Excellent find :)


01-25-05, 09:39 AM
Hilde: You made me hungry now and reminded me of the great orange soda they have at A&W!

Jon: Thanks! I think so too.


Painted Desert
01-25-05, 06:45 PM
You FOUND her?? How come I didn't FIND her first?? Perhaps you could come and cover "my" table for me (and watch out for that neighbour of mine... ) while I go and make the rounds at the show?? I could use the break, perhaps put some faces to names.... see who put on weight since last year...:D He FOUND her... sheesh.

Jason Wakelin
01-25-05, 11:16 PM

I agree with your statement, on normal AFT's. And to be brutally honest, I feel that way about all reptiles. I've seen a couple of genetic morphs that were "interesting", but absolutely none that I would take over a well patterned "normal". If I had the space and time I'd take 100 normal Ball Pythons (or whatever) over 1 leucistic/spyder/mojave/piebald/?????/up and comming wanna be het for greatness. Natural animals designed and presented the way nature wanted them to be, and not "freaks" that would have been eaten within the first month of their life, that's what's for me.

Now back on topic, nice AFT. It's been a while since I've kept them, but I've always loved them.


01-27-05, 04:49 PM
heheheh Linda, yep, I say "found" cuz she was so tiny when I got her. I guess I'm getting a sharp eye for fatties.


01-27-05, 04:59 PM
Originally posted by Painted Desert
(and watch out for that neighbour of mine... )

Hey!!! I resemble that remark ;)

I've volunteered to watch your table for you.... Nothing would make my show attendace more enjoyable than 'finding' some of your fatties packed in my stuff. I wouldn't even swipe the cream of the crop ones either.