View Full Version : Where did the rat go?

01-24-05, 02:43 PM

Where did the rat go?




This female Albino Boa taking down a frozen thawed jumbo rat. I love how she has kept the red/orange coloring in the tail region at 5 foot plus. She has some weird pattern in the tail region as well - kinda like laddertail, nothing big but hope in time through adding a striped tail to her we will see. Next year I hope she clones me a few dozen Albinos :D

Thank you for viewing.

Please stay on topic.

Tony Pharosx

01-24-05, 02:53 PM
Nice looking snake!!! You do know my birthday is in October and if you have any spare snakes hanging around....:D:D:D:D:D

01-24-05, 02:56 PM
Nice snake :), my birthdays in October too if that matters any :-P

What size enclosure do you keep your snakes that size in?

01-24-05, 03:52 PM
ya what size enclousure is he in ???

01-24-05, 04:23 PM

Thank you for the kind comments.


The rubbermaid tub is.



RUBBERMAID - ACTUAL DEMENSIONS - PRESS HERE (http://www.rubbermaid.com/hpd/consumer/product/detail.jhtml?prod=HPFG226800+WHT&attributeId=HPATT1003&nextType=noValue&currentType=HPCAT02&locationId=LOC00001&thirdMenuIndex=3)

This is the caging I use for a few months then move them into this stage.


Tony Pharosx

01-24-05, 08:31 PM
Haha! Those are great pics, nice boa too

01-24-05, 08:56 PM
So would a 55 gallon be to big?

01-24-05, 09:07 PM

Thank you.


No not all if you mean your boa is as big as mine or smaller, The tub is a 28 gallon unit I believe from the link I posted. And a 55 gallon is a nice good size as well. :D

Tony Pharosx

Asian Jon
01-24-05, 09:57 PM
Tony: about that particular rubbermaid model, how are you keeping it secure so that your boa doesn't escape?

01-24-05, 10:17 PM

The one with the actual boa in it are kept in a rack system of 2 across and 2 levels. So the wood framework keeps them tight and secure. I have to pull them out completely to open the lid. The one you see in the large cage pic is a empty unit I was trying to try a few experiments for ETBs months back.

Ideas to try and secure these tubs if you want as a lone cage or a few and no rack system would be using small bungy cords off the edges on the under lips of the tubs or tieing down the lid to the tub like a hang man knot style and so on. :D

Tony Pharosx

01-24-05, 10:21 PM
No it's only 30 inches but you can't see in it at all. It took some work to get the temps and stuff right but they are definatly right now. Warm side reaches 100 at the bottom, I built him a climbing area out of Oak Dowels and the ambient temp there is 86-89 depending on the level he's on, middle off the cage is 84, water temp is 78, and the cool side is 80.1 I wanted to try and get it exactly 80 but that's not at all bad. The back right corner how ever is 79 but that's not too bad of a drop and it's only about a square inch that is that cold.

Once he gets full size I'll be moving him into a custom made enclosure with a glass front but this is good for now, gives him alot of room to move with a ton of privacy which I feel is good for new snakes.

01-25-05, 12:02 PM

Very nice :D


01-25-05, 02:18 PM
Thanks, I was hoping so :), so Oak is alright as a climbing post? I couldn't find anything against it. They are the oak dowels you find at the pet store, many different sizes.

01-25-05, 10:06 PM

Yeah those dowels are fine, expensive too though. Depending on the look you want natural branches work as well. Depending on the boa and size - branches may not even be needed as well.


01-25-05, 11:05 PM
Nah they're not too expensive .99 a piece for the decently 2nd thickest ones, and for the huge ones which I'll get once he gets bigger they're only 1.50 a piece I see them ato ther hardware store for upwards of 5-6 a piece but this place near me is going out of business so I stocked up :)

Brent Strande
01-26-05, 12:46 AM
Jon (and whoever else!):

I have found that "S" hooks work great to secure a rubbermaid. Bungee cords could have some give, allow the lid to move up so that the snake gets its head out, but cannot get any further as the lid is being pulled back down...

Here's how I use the "S" hooks (I make the holes with a soldering iron)




Hope that helps!

Asian Jon
01-26-05, 08:48 PM
Cool, thanks Brent.

01-30-05, 11:57 AM

Nice caging, indeed.
