View Full Version : sSNAKESs.com Photo Contest

01-24-05, 02:16 PM
The moderation team is hosting a photo contest for the members. This contest is from the mods and the mods alone, and has no other sponsers. We wanted to do something nice for the members from us, and do something fun for all to take part in.

Rules, short but sweet....

1. One entry per member

2. Email your photo with your ssnakess.com username to:


3. You will have from today, until Feb 15th to enter your photo. This will give everyone a chance to see the contest is up, or a chance to take a photo!

4. Winner will be voted for by the members in a poll type thread which will be posted after the 15th.

The prize isn't anything huge or extremely expensive as it's just us mods putting this on for the members..........But prize will be useful and handy to all herpers and shipped out to the winner right after the contest at no cost to you. I'll let you guys know the prize soon, but I might be getting additions to it first.

Thanks guys, and good luck! I can't wait to see the photos!

sSnakeSs.com Mod Team :D :D

Photo entry email address one more time :D


01-24-05, 02:28 PM
Sounds great. I can't wait to see the finalists! Good job Mod team :thumbsup:

01-24-05, 08:31 PM
I cant wait! I hope I win haha.


01-24-05, 08:45 PM
What will the contest be judged on? Creativity, humour, etc?

01-24-05, 08:45 PM
Awesome, thanks Mods! Good stuff.


01-24-05, 08:51 PM
Thanks mods, you guys rock :D

01-24-05, 08:52 PM
Originally posted by CORN_SNAKE91
What will the contest be judged on? Creativity, humour, etc?

It will be judged on whatever the MEMBERS like best..

We (the mods) will narrow it down to the top 10 - 15 pics in our minds.. From there, you guys will be given the chance to choose the winner..


01-24-05, 08:53 PM
Awesome :D

01-24-05, 08:53 PM

01-24-05, 09:09 PM
Sounds like fun, I'll play! Will send my entry tonight...

01-24-05, 09:11 PM
awsome thanks so much for putting this togther guys:)

01-24-05, 09:15 PM
I've recieved a couple entries already but guys PLEASE be sure to add your www.sSnakeSs.com username.. If you don't we will not know who to give credit to for the pic.. I'm also not about to search out every email address on the site in order to figure out who the picture belongs to..

Anyway, Keep the pictures coming guys, there's quite a few GREAT pictures already!!!


01-24-05, 09:27 PM

01-24-05, 09:46 PM

Thank you for taking the time to do this for the members. Its always great to see kindness and appreciation from both sides.

Question on the photo status....can it be about anything or is it related to reptiles or members only, or can it be anything off the net or must it be a taken photo (from own camera) and so on?

Just wondering all the limits and I am sure others are thinking as well :D

Thanks again Mods.


01-24-05, 09:58 PM
You're kidding right????

It's a photo contest for members of THEIR OWN photos.. Not something they found on the web and thought looked cool..

Snakes, Lizards, Inverts, Amphibians.. We're not having a Honda Civic photo contest here... (sorry for the sarcasm, but, well, I dunno.. )


01-24-05, 10:05 PM

No problem :D

Just nothing was stated before was why I asked, being only 1 photo from each member only needed to know :D


01-24-05, 10:06 PM
Darn it! I found a beautiful Ansel Adams photograph I was going to submit! I was SURE it would kick the other pic's butts too! :rolleyes: :D LMAO!

01-24-05, 10:11 PM
HHahahahah Tim :D

And now that that's out of the way... lol. Thanks guys, it'll be great to finally see another photo contest! :) Been missing those, it's always great to see everyone's favourite shots.

Now, you'll have to excuse me while I go searching through the thousands of pics on this computer trying to pick one out to enter :p


01-24-05, 10:14 PM
One photo per member keeps things fair, and down to a minimum on sheer numbers.

And like Matt said, reptile related photos only. :D

This is all fun guys. :)


01-24-05, 11:47 PM
Another quick question... what about modified photos?

What I mean is are we allowed to tweak them in photoshop?

Sorry to be a pain about it Matt ;) But with only one entry each i'd be disappointed to have some really nice photoshop job beat out a much nicer overall pic that wasn't just cause we didn't ask beforehand. Not that I have a snowball's chance in hell of winning heh.

01-24-05, 11:55 PM
I guess if I get anything sent to me that is severly photoshopped, i'll post it for the mods to see and we can decide from there.. If they feel it's just toooooo tweaked out, we'll not allow it and the person who sent it will be informed and given a chance to submit a 'clean' pic. :D


01-25-05, 12:00 AM
So that's a yes, it's allowed... but don't go crazy with it?

meaning stuff like correcting colors or lighting a bit would be allowed but the full meal deal of 'art' ing it up would not be?

01-25-05, 12:26 AM
Sounds about right to me. lol :P

01-25-05, 01:58 AM
Cool!! Sounds like a very awesome way to see some amazing pics to me!! THX Mods!!

01-25-05, 04:59 AM
What about people without photo shop? This contest should be about who can take the best herp pic with the camera they have, no touch ups.
My two cents,

01-25-05, 08:02 AM
It's impossible to keep everyone happy.. And THIS is why we haven't had contests for so long..


01-25-05, 08:25 AM
Photoshop can't really make your pic "better". It can help you frame it and present it a little more professionally but a bad pic cropped, resized and copywritten is still a bad pic. :)

01-25-05, 08:44 AM
:( Guy's it's just a little contest for fun.

And like Tim says, photoshop cannot make your pic better. Photoshop can crop, resize, fix lighting but aside from that it's not a big deal. Obviously we wouldn't throw up a pic that shows a photoshopped pied python with pink spots. It's not art, it's a photo contest.

Even popular digital photo contests online allow simple photoshop changes..i.e. light, crop etc.


01-25-05, 09:08 AM
This is a basic but free download if you do not have a photo shop on your computer. http://www.adobe.com/products/photoshopalbum/starter.html Good luck everybody and great job to the crew that put this together!

01-25-05, 11:05 AM
So I take it that pic I photoshoped of Matts head on Pamala Andersons nekid bod is OUT;)

Great Idea people you rock :)


01-25-05, 03:46 PM
Sounds like a great contest, I'll be sure to enter... Also working in the photo industry if your talking about basic colour corrections and light intensity, chances are if your shooting with digital your camera came with a basic editing/correcting program, if it's scanned pics, the photo lab should have already done this for you so everyone does in fact have the same odds, when it comes to that. Just my thoughts......contest is a great idea.

01-25-05, 03:54 PM
This is going to be an awesome contest!!! :D

Originally posted by honduranfreekk
So I take it that pic I photoshoped of Matts head on Pamala Andersons nekid bod is OUT;)

LOL send it to me and I'm sure we can work something out Kelvin ;) :p :D

01-25-05, 03:56 PM
Originally posted by honduranfreekk
So I take it that pic I photoshoped of Matts head on Pamala Andersons nekid bod is OUT;)

Great Idea people you rock :)


You're all a bunch of fricken comedians eh????


01-25-05, 03:58 PM
Yuppers bro ;) ;P


01-25-05, 05:38 PM
Didn't mean to rock the boat Matt. But I do know how you feel I was thinking before I posted, "We can't even have a simple contest."

Gary D.
01-25-05, 06:50 PM
I was disapointed when the last contest just evapourated, but now I see why.

So here you go, standard simple photo contest rules for dummies (my interpretation):

#1 Take a photo
#2 Submit it with your sSnakeSs user name
#3 The Mods will pick a dozen or so THEY like for what ever reason (as it is their contest it's their discretion. Period)
#4 If you cant handle rules 1-3 don't waste their time submitting a pic.

Yep I think I can handle that.
Happy snapping ya' all.

01-25-05, 06:54 PM
LMAO!!! Thanks Gary :D

Trevor, no worries man..

As far as how we'll vote, I really don't know.. Perhaps we'll vote on the ones we think SHOULD make it through for whatever reason, I think that is the fairest way..

Just be patient with us, it may take us a couple of days to go through all of the pics and pic the 'best' ones.. There are some REALLY nice pics that have been submitted guys!! Keep em coming..


01-25-05, 07:45 PM
Originally posted by honduranfreekk
So I take it that pic I photoshoped of Matts head on Pamala Andersons nekid bod is OUT;)

Great Idea people you rock :)


WOW that was just my week attempt at some Fun humour.Just ribbing ya a bit Matt ;)

The contest is a GREAT idea:)


01-25-05, 10:19 PM
I think the contest is a wonderful idea as well, but it's important to lay out the rules ahead of time so everyone is aware of what is and isn't allowed.

I'm sure some of us aren't great photographers but do ok in Photoshop while some of us are great at taking pics but coudln't colour correct if our life depended on it. Which is why I asked in the first place.

When you put up a prize of course people want to win. And when people want to win they'll do anything within the rules to do so, it's human nature.

I'm sure we'll all love the amazing pics that are sure to come out of this contest but I personally would feel much better knowing that there are clear and set in stone guidelines set out beforehand. It's only fair right?

01-25-05, 10:47 PM
But what are we supposed to do in that case? Say no photoshop, which means no cropping, cutting, resizing or anything? Or only allow those changes, and in the end either way, how can we tell what's been done and hasn't for sure? :D :D :D All these little details.

We tried to be clear with the rules. And I mean nothing is serious here. It's all fun. If someone turns in a photo that's a total obvious fake, well that's digital art and not a photo. But aside from blatant obvious changes, we are really hoping just to get some good regular pics like normally posted here and hand out a small prize.


Brent Strande
01-26-05, 12:50 AM
If the winner is in the States, would you ship the prize there? (If not, I'd still love to enter...)

01-26-05, 01:01 AM
Yes, we will ship the prize to WHOEVER wins..


01-26-05, 02:39 AM
ooohhh. Photocontest, always a nicething :D

01-26-05, 04:36 AM
Yes, we will ship the prize to WHOEVER wins..
Gee Matt are you sure? How are going to get it over the boarder?

01-26-05, 07:43 AM
Thanks! This will be fun! I can't wait to see the pics!

01-26-05, 08:38 AM
Get what over the border? The prize is under no circumstances a live animal lol. :D :D

This will be fun and Matt said we have gotten some great enteries!


01-27-05, 02:14 PM
The prize isn't anything
I stoped reading at that part and didn't think there would be a prize at all.lol So when someone asked if it could be shipped to the US I was trying to be funny when I wrote this,
Gee Matt are you sure? How are going to get it over the boarder?
My bad for not reading the whole post.
I think being picked is prize enough. If you guys do this again I don't think you need a prize.

01-27-05, 02:19 PM
That's just it Trevor, we don't NEED to have a prize, but we WANT to.. After all, it's the members that make this site as great as it is and we want to show OUR appreciation to everyone by throwing a little contest that EVERYONE can participate in. It's fun for the members and fun for the mods and as an added bonus, we get to see some AMAZING pictures!!


02-02-05, 11:42 AM
Steve Gooch from digitalscales or jay owens from captive bred reptiles or randy may from neoscales arnt members of this board are they? because it'd be hard to beat there herp photo skills in any contest!

02-04-05, 09:56 PM
So Matt, how many entries so far??


02-04-05, 10:01 PM
32 Entries..

02-05-05, 12:28 PM
interesting... only 32? I was thinking we'd have at least double that... I guess lots of people don't want to join in the fun heh..


02-07-05, 05:49 PM
Hehe all the better for me :D

02-07-05, 05:55 PM
Dont get too cocky greenman1867 :rolleyes: Everyones waiting for the deadline.... well, thats what im doing cuz i dont have my pic yet :p

02-07-05, 06:29 PM
It'll be 33 if I can manage to take a pic that's not just a "hey look at this" quality :)

02-08-05, 12:13 PM
Im waiting for animals to get threw shedding befor I brek out the camera. I hope the last ones get threw for the contest!

02-09-05, 11:26 PM
my cam take big pics. what size should I resize them for you guys or should I submit them as they are?

02-09-05, 11:32 PM
Orianna, just send em any size you want and i'll worry about resizing :D


02-14-05, 07:20 AM
***edit*** Wow my keyboarding skills are worse than terrible! ***

LOL who's cocky? I was just stating the odds, I am sure there are much better pics out there than mine, I am a pure amature at all computer/photography stuff, so I need all the help I can get. :D

This is really amazing; I am very impressed with the Mods here.
Is this something you have thought of repeating? It's an excellent way to get people involved as well as a chance to see some awesome pics.

I suspect if you were to do it again bi-annual (is that twice a year?), anyways every 6 months it would be very successful, if not too time consuming for you. I am sure you could get some people to dontate some prizes too; I have a few ideas that might work.

Anyways, great job guys.


02-14-05, 08:38 AM
Dictionary.com (http://dictionary.reference.com/search?r=2&q=biannual)

Happening twice each year; semiannual.
Occurring every two years; biennial.
It seems "biannual" is somewhat ambiguous.

This is a great contest mods. I can't wait to see the top entries thread.

02-14-05, 09:22 AM
You people are all metal. lol.
great idea for a photo contest.
This thread goes to show how many people actually take the time to read all of the posts before submitting a post of their own, lol.
How many people had to repeat eachother, lol.
Even the simplest rules can become complicated, lol

hope i can find some pics, lol


02-14-05, 01:12 PM
so any updates?
how many photos so far?

and most important, when can we SEE them??


02-14-05, 01:14 PM
Originally posted by galad
You people are all metal. lol.
great idea for a photo contest.
This thread goes to show how many people actually take the time to read all of the posts before submitting a post of their own, lol.
How many people had to repeat eachother, lol.
Even the simplest rules can become complicated, lol

hope i can find some pics, lol


:confused: :rolleyes:

02-14-05, 01:28 PM
i think i never saw so many "lol" s in one thread :p

02-14-05, 01:32 PM
Originally posted by Dark_Angel_25
so any updates?
how many photos so far?

and most important, when can we SEE them??


51 entries so far.. Tomorrow is the last day to have all your photo's submitted. We're aiming to have it narrowed down to 10 by Thursday so that the members can vote on those. (Unless we decide to take another route)..


Gary D.
02-14-05, 06:29 PM
52! if you really need more I'll be all too happy to create an other couple usernames and submit a couple more. :)

02-15-05, 08:25 PM
So whats happening with the contest? Im to excited :D

02-15-05, 08:28 PM
The mods are in the process of narrowing it down to 10 :)

02-15-05, 08:50 PM

02-15-05, 09:30 PM
Hey, I have added my photo, but I am off to Costa Rica to do some field herping. Will the pictures still be available after the 26th (when i get back)???

02-16-05, 12:08 AM
Hey your going to costa rica? Cool, where are you going exactly. Im going from the first to the 8th

02-16-05, 07:04 PM
Hope i make it to top ten at least, we've got a lot of talented photographers, as shown in the photograhy discussion.

02-16-05, 07:09 PM
Im going all around costa Rica, Mont Arinal, Jaco Beach, San Jose, and a few rain forests along the way. Its a school trip, but if Im lucky i should get some good pics of herps

(Feb 18-26)

p.s how many photos were entered? Will there be a 1st 2nd 3rd? or is it just 1st, then top ten