View Full Version : quarantine duration

01-24-05, 12:17 PM
Hey, i am alittle confused on the time period of which to quarantine a new reptile. I have heard many different periods, one month, two months, and recently was told after the second defication. Just wandering how long you all quarantine your new animals? Aswell as when you know it is safe to add them to the rest of the collection and not to got further with the quarantine? Thanks for any help, jason

Jason Wakelin
01-24-05, 12:31 PM
I worked once in a facility that had an actual quarantine room. The animals would stay there for up to 6 months before being put on display. But seeing as most of us don't have such luxuries, myself included, I quarantine for about a month. This usually takes place in my bedroom (wife loves that!), before I move them into the reptile room. But then again ask 10 other people, and you'll probably get 10 different answers.


01-24-05, 12:46 PM
I've been successful with just waiting untill I get a fecal, and see that they are established eaters, and don't have mites, usually takes 2-4 weeks. But again there's many answers.

01-24-05, 01:18 PM
Ive talked to a few people and the general answer, and what I would do, is get a fecal, check for mites, and make sure they are eating well/defecating well. As beanersmysav said, usually takes a month.

01-24-05, 04:45 PM
Alright thanks for the help all. I will do a month and check for obvious signs like mentioned, clean defication, mites etc..