View Full Version : Weird looking Argus monitor - for DK

Scales Zoo
01-24-05, 05:57 AM
I did post a few pictures a while ago, but these are the first pictures I've taken with my new camera.

I have larger pictures than I posted, if anyone wants a closer look, email me at scalezoo@sasktel.net

This monitor was imported as an argus from New Guinea, has not tounge forks as a testament - but it looks very different to me than my other 2 argus monitors, or any argus I've seen. It also acts much differently, and has the name "manson" from it's previous owner. It will shake a dead rat violently for a full 30 seconds, and lunges at food. No matter what I feed it, it stays slimmer than our argus'.

I've been told it can not be a wild cross, unless it or a parent caught a ride on a log from South. Maybe it is just an odd colored argus, but the ocelletta aren't like our other argus - and the tail, in real life, looks just like a woma python!

Here are the pictures - the heat light is a clear white light which helps to show his true color.

Body picture with flash

Picture with no flash, incadescent white light for heat

The head

The tail

So, what do you think DK and others?


Scales Zoo
01-24-05, 05:59 AM
Oh, and yes I know that is just mulch pictured with him, but he is currently in an elevated enclosure, but soon to be moved to a floor level one with a thousand pounds of dirt and sand.


01-24-05, 06:48 AM
cool looking Ryan what more can i say im not a monator person but i like the look of him

Scales Zoo
01-24-05, 03:28 PM
Just noticed the email address should have been scaleszoo@sasktel.net

01-24-05, 04:51 PM
Thanks for posting those pics, Ryan. I can see what you mean about its tail bands being a bit lighter than usual. Monitors do vary a fair bit, though, and it isn't different enough from a normal V panoptes horni to suggest it's anything else, for its head shape and everything else look like V panoptes horni to me.

01-24-05, 06:44 PM
Ryan, that resembles my argus almost completely.

Beautiful animal, aren't they a blast to work with??

Scales Zoo
01-24-05, 10:52 PM
Thanks for the reply DK.

V.hb, they are total blast to work with, especially Manson. By far my favorite monitors I've ever kept.

Do you have pictures of yours that looks like this? I'm so used to seeing pictures that more resemble my other 2 - knowing there are other ones like this is cool!


Tim and Julie B
01-24-05, 11:17 PM
Man that is a very nice monitor Ryan. I gotta win the lottery! lol

01-25-05, 07:23 AM
Very nice!

01-25-05, 08:40 AM
Very handsome lizard!

01-25-05, 12:26 PM
Ryan, Could you post some pics of your others? (and other varanids if you have) I always love seeing other peoples animals, Thanks.

I'll do so as soon as I can buy a digital camera, last one bit the dust :(

01-25-05, 09:39 PM
Wow that thing is reallly nice, I'd like to see some more pics of your monitors thats nice.

I wish I could get some more room for some Monitors but they just need to big of a enclosure to have a ton of them around my house. When I do get the time, and money though I'm thinking an Argus or a Tree both beautiful choices since my other choices of monitors are now illegal in NY.