View Full Version : Honduran Morph Questions......

01-23-05, 09:39 PM
OK, I am still learning the art of genetics, and I've got a few questions for those who have more experience than myself....

What would result from an Albino x Hypo breeding?

Albino x Anery?

Albino x Tangerine? This would produce Tangerines that are het. for Albino correct?

I ask this because I have a male Albino and I am curious as to what I should pair him up with in the future (other than another Albino or het for Albino of course ;) ). Thanks!

01-24-05, 01:39 AM
1) Double het for Hybinos(Het-Albino & Het-Hypo).

2) Double het for Snows(Het-Albino & Het-Anery).

3) Likely a mix of tangerines and tri-colors all het for albino.