View Full Version : Rock wall question

01-23-05, 07:12 PM
hi I was thinking of building a fake rock wall for a snake tank. I was wondering after it's all done, what can I use to make it somewhat waterproof and easy to clean? It has to be non-toxic and clear, I just don't know what to use. Thanks

01-23-05, 08:21 PM
do a qiuck search for rock wall... and look in the chameleon section.. its been in there.. ill grab the links and post them in a few minutes.. or at least try

01-23-05, 08:38 PM

its the best way i can think of... read my last post... you could also use a torch to shape the foam...

best of all no need to seal it.. just make sure you cover the entire thing with cement... then its sealed... you could also add little rocks and pebbles while the cement is wet to create more of a realistic feel...

01-23-05, 08:46 PM
will the cement be easy to clean? Also is it safe for the snake if I don't cover it with anything else?

I was thinking using the tile adhesive, then using some kind of paint, then sealing the whole thing with clear acrylic.

01-23-05, 08:55 PM
clean shoudnt be a prob.. just like a rock hide or something.. bleach solution and a hose down once in a while..

but why dont you think it would be safe.. like safe as in sharp edges, poisoness, what..

well ill answer both... cement or concrete usually sets in a few hours, and cures in 28 days.. butu with a thin layre it should be dry and cured in a couple days. then its basicly stone.. its not poisioness cause its like a big rock .. and if its sharp edges your worried about sand or grind them down.. and try not to make any when forming it.... this method has been used to make fake rocks in leo cages all your doing is making a larger one.. i got the idea from my leo care book..

01-23-05, 08:58 PM
Originally posted by python125
I was thinking using the tile adhesive, then using some kind of paint, then sealing the whole thing with clear acrylic.

seems like alot of work and expence for someting that can be made simple.. and more realistic.. also a foam core will make it ALOT lighter.. the one prob is it might be like an inch wider..

01-23-05, 09:01 PM
oh ok,yah I just thought it might be toxic. Last question I promise. What if I wanted to paint it, what could I use then, cause it will turn out grey right? Would paint be safe? Thanks.

there is a pic in this link, it is exactly what I want take a look.


the site is in swedish so I can't tell what it says, but it has lots of pics.

I think that person used cement then she painted it, look at all the pics just click on the links on the side.

thanks so much you are alot of help.

01-23-05, 09:06 PM
im pretty sure theres cement paint...

01-23-05, 09:09 PM
Great thank you very much.

01-29-05, 10:31 PM

This is the link to the english version of the swedish instructions about building the rock wall.