View Full Version : what have you been bit by?
Manitoban Herps
01-23-05, 04:31 PM
What herps have you been bit by before? I got bit last night so I rememebr to post this thread. Tell us if blood was involed and pics are welcomed.
Eastern Collard Lizard -pricks of blood
Green Anole - nothing, no mark
BCI - prick of blood
leopard gecko - pricks of blood
Fortunetly, nothing much :D
01-23-05, 04:41 PM
Ive been bit by Green Iguana it hurt bloody hand, and a green anole and noting happend, And garter and water snakes
nothin much to those.
01-23-05, 04:53 PM
I work at a herp store, so ive been bit by a lot of stuff:rolleyes: the most painful by far is when a 5 foot boa got me on the hand, bled like crazy to. the second is when a rhino iguana nipped me while i was hand feeding her, it was unintentional on her part but still hurt real bad. i mostly have been bitten by new arrivals that i just have to hold:D . my personal pets that have bitten me are,
blue toung skink
I have no real war stories, just my ball got me once while feeding her, barely drew blood but was enough to convinve my mom that those $10 bbq tongs I wanted to buy were worth it lol, and a wild garter I caught a few summers ago was chewing on me but nothing special.
01-23-05, 05:18 PM
Got bitten by a baby W. Hognose snake, but she didn't break the skin nor leave a mark, no reaction to the bite either. A couple of nips from a corn snake, again nothing to show for it.
A bit worse bite was by a male leopard gecko (long story to that one, he wasn't a mean sucker like it would appear).
The worst of all was getting bit by the Herp Bug.... lost my life, my freedom and all empty rooms and spaces in my house to that one ;)
I've been bit by:
BCI: Blood on many occasions
Savannah Monitor: Little blood
Leopard Gecko: Nothing Much
Pac Man Frog: Nothing Much, Wouldn't let go for 5 minutes though
BRB: Little blood
Garter Snakes: Nothing Much
Fox Snake: Nothing Much
Corn Snakes: Nothing Much
Bearded Dragon aka Sharkie (lol): Bled and hurt the most
Probably more, just can't remember.
Never thought about it much, apparently I have really REALLY sslllooowww reflexes - hehe.
01-23-05, 05:32 PM
Well here is our short list of the things we have been bitten by.
Burmese pythons - Constriction lots of blood
Ball pythons - Constriction lots of blood
Macklotts pythons - Constriction lots of blood
Adult Spotted python - Constriction little blood
Jungle carpet python - strikes just teeth marks left no blood
water snakes - strikes just teeth marks left no blood
garter snakes - strikes just teeth marks left no blood
Savannah monitors - bite and would not let go little blood
Black throat monitors - bite and would not let go little blood
Water monitors - 7 stiches across the wrist involved on this one
Nile monitors - bitten and let go little blood
Argus monitor - Bitten and let go no blood
Iguanas - Left teeth marks little blood
Spectacled caimans - Bite hand little blood
Alligators - Bite and let go very little blood
Dwarf caimans - Left some teeth marks no blood
Boa constrictors - anger strike little blood
Amazon tree boas - anger strike little blood
Pacific tree boas - no blood no marks
Rainbow boas - Left some teeth marks little blood
Viper Boas - 2 teeth holes little blood
Green Anaconda - full constriction lots of blood
Yellow Anacondas - 7 bites in a row lots of blood
tegus (Red tegus & Golden tegus) - left teeth marks and blood
Blue tongue skinks - Teeth marks no blood
Hognose snake - some blood and teeth marks and hand swelled
Corn snakes - few teeth marks no blood
Red tailed green ratsnakes - Lots of teeht marks little blood
King snakes - few teeth marks no blood
Cane toads - roughed up skin no blood
Pacman frogs - roughed up skin no blood
Pixie frogs - roughed up skin no blood
Leopard geckos - roughed up skin no blood
Crocodile geckos - roughed up skin no blood
Tokay Geckos - could no get off hand little blood
We have really gotten to the point where we don't care what bites us now. This is just our herp list have been bitten by other animals too..
Scotty & Les
01-23-05, 06:06 PM
Corn Snake
King Snake
Children's Python
Rough Scale Sand Boa
Amazon Tree Boa
Green Tree Python
Brazilian Rainbow Boa
Hog Island Boa
Rosy Boa
Red Ear Slider Turtle
Leopard Gecko
I think that's it.
01-23-05, 06:27 PM
Just a Florida King and a Fat Tail Gecko blood involved. :)
green basilisk, brown water snake, black rat snakes, yellow anaconda, savannah monitor, king snakes, maybe a few other things i can't remember at the time. the only time i bled was from the monitor and the water snake. the water snake was the worse bite-it made me sick and i got a tetinis shot.
01-23-05, 06:35 PM
Just about every nonvenomous snake species in the state of VA, ranging from nips to severe lacerations. Some Cynops Orientalis bites, house gecko and anole biites, TOO MANY TO NAME REALLY
01-23-05, 07:38 PM
Just Crested Gecko (nothing major), Corn snake (nothing major), but that's it. I'm starting to really get into snakes though so I'm sure that list might increase they are harder to dodge I'm sure than lizards. I have no issue with being faster than any lizard who has ever tried to bite me but so far I'm 1-3 trying to avoid a snake :)
01-23-05, 07:50 PM
In captivity?
Just a Rosy Boa - I've managed to avoid the bites of all of my other animals in the last 10 or so years:
In the wild?
Just about every native herptile in Ontario and Eastern USA!
01-23-05, 07:56 PM
Baby Kenyan Sand Boa- pricks of blood
Leopard gecko- slight mark
Baby Jungle Jaya- pricks of blood
Veiled Chameleon- slight mark
Been struck at many times but those are the ones that made contact. Not bad when I think about how many herps I've worked with.
CB Shwa
01-23-05, 08:11 PM
I have recieved some serious bites from Corn snakes and a baby hog nose the worst of all was a baby Ackie, LOL Bellydraggers, that's one battle hardend Family.
I have been bit by a lot of my critters
Blood Pythons...gushers of stitches
Jungle Carpets.....lots of blood and 2 self-stitches
BCI....huge bruise and lots of blood.....pulling teeth out for months
BCI ...wild in Mexico...blood and wild infection almost hospitalized
Caiman....blood not much but stings hitters but no big deal
Alligator bite...split my thumb nail in half hitters...lots of blood and imbedded teeth
More to
And you are right ..Scotty and Les from Bellydraggers seem to like the
guapote's gape
01-23-05, 09:04 PM
lots of bites only two I wish never happened as they've had long term effects.
1st was a bite by a 17 ft reticulated python on my left shoulder which has left me with daily remiders (arthritis type pain) and a profound respect for the animal.
2nd a c.b. pygmy rattlesnake bite to my right pinky. At the time cro fab was not readily available and Manitoba has zero crotalids so it took along time for the antivenom to arrive. Have large scare on palm as a reminder due to compartment syndrone.
Getting older so the allure of keeping venomous is waining quickly.
Just the ones i can recollect..
Garter Snakes - Several times when i was young as i constantly went looking for them, some bled quite remarkably, yet not painful.
Snapping Turtle - Latched onto my leather glove, felt like a vice! no damage though
Green and Brown Anole - on seperate occasions, no blood but they don't like to let go sometimes!
Bearded Dragon - My alfa male, Zoren. Sometimes hes grumpy. only happened once where it bled, hasn't happend since
01-23-05, 09:15 PM
Not much...
Wild garter snake
Cal kings - babies
Honduran milks - babies
Corns - babies
Carpet pythons - babies
Manitoban Herps
01-23-05, 09:24 PM
Oh I forgot, been, bit by wild garters and a wild painted turtle, I know, how do you get bit by a :p
01-23-05, 09:27 PM
Ive been bit by a
baby burm, on the thumb..first bite
bci female, at work on the hand. A 6 footer
jungle corn, some crazy crazy one we got at work. He nailed me a bunch of times
and a few little snakes before, but nothing worth remembering :p
01-23-05, 09:29 PM
Let's see...
Leopard geckos-female bit me with little teeth marks but no blood my male on time drew so much blood it soaked through the bandaid
Plated lizards-One sawed(mouth chewed back and forth) on my knuckle for 10 seconds when grabbed it out of it's enclosureto put it into a new one. Didn't let go till I put it in it's enclosure and let it go. Gave some blood.
Scratched good by a 41/2 iguana
Bit by a 4ft Columbian rainbow boa- a bit of blood.
Green tree python- some blood
Solomon island skink- a bit of blood
Garter snake- teeth marks
Baby ball python- teeth marks
41/2 foot gopher snake- Vernon BC struck at me and drew some blood
Nothing too serious and I probably missed something.
01-24-05, 09:11 AM
Only two. A slight nip by a leopard gecko, hardly felt it and left no marks. And a strike by a baby ball python. Just left some teeth marks.
01-24-05, 10:32 AM
i got nailed in the face by a 7 ft boa. there was ALOT of blood involved in that one lol.
also tokay geckos,
garter snakes,
ball pythons,
a tegu,
and an iguana
but the facual was by far the worse and least appreciated lol
01-24-05, 11:26 AM
i kinda feel left out.. ive never been bit.. not like im gonna go out and try but ive never been bit...
01-24-05, 11:56 AM
well here is my list
plenty of baby carpet pythons never realy hurt
4 foot green anaconda
baby nile crocodile
baby african dwarf crocodile
3 foot cuban crocodile
baby dwarf caimans both species
a 8 foot burm hurt like crazy
4 foot water monitor
fear strike from a 6 foot boa just enuogh to say there was blood
6 foot dumerils
countles corn snakes
dwarf reticulated python
Then I was biten by my own big burm "Angel" 11 feet I was sent to the ER she had ruptured on of the vessels in my wrist.
on top of that I was also tail whiped very very hard on the iner right thigh by a huge black throat it was bruised for 2 weeks.
The ReptiZone
Marc Doiron
01-24-05, 12:09 PM
Baby JCP it was like 10" at most, and I bled the most I have ever bled from any reptile bit (not that much though :P)
Kenyan sand boa
Crested gecko x2 (only because she is such a hungry little thing, and I used to hand feed them babyfood)
Leopard gecko (again, he was hungry)
I think thats it, although, I'm not sure how long it'll be before I get bitten by the wonder geckos!
I've been bitten by a man named Alan. He's a big tall bug and I just can't seem to shake him. :P
Hmm, the baby garters always want to chew on my hands, but you can hardly feel them.
Pueblan milk and variable kingsnake each once got too enthusiatic at dinner time, but also no pain, a tiniest drop of blood.
One uromastyx is a real biter. You've gotta keep an eye on where you're putting your fingers while holding him. That one's a painful bite, and he can hang on for a long time, too, but there's hardly any blood.
I've been bitten by newts and salamanders, but that's just funny.
I know, I know... stop feeding my herps with my hands and I'll stop being bitten, but hey... ;)
01-24-05, 02:31 PM
Not too many as I have only been doing the snake "thing" for 5 years but I have been bit by:
Wild Garter Snake
Corn Snake
Baby Albino Banded Cali. King Snake
Green Red Tail Rat Snake.....A 7 Footer..... I had gloves on though
Flap Neck Chameleon
Leopard Gecko
Now if someone was asking what you have been pooped on by the list would be much longer lol.
lol i have nothing compared to everyone esle here. Wow you guys are crazy. I would not want to get bitten by either a green or yellow anaconda. Wow, couldnt imagine the pain in that.
I myself have been biten by the deadly anole, and a water dragon that drew a bit of blood.
01-24-05, 02:39 PM
D' Alberts after it promptly musked me
Mali Uromastyx
Various genus's of chams.
Leaf tail
Boas(brain cramp of names but a few)
Savanah monitor(juvi)
Timor Monitor(juvi)
...and theres more but that list is the ones that left the last impressions.
For herps, the ball. It tagged me in the nerve so I bled quite a bit and for a while.
01-24-05, 02:55 PM
Wow.. I hope to hell that some of you guys never work with hots!!
01-24-05, 03:02 PM
Wow.. I hope to hell that some of you guys never work with hots!!
Lmao. :D Thats funny.
Actually, I think if someone has venomous animals, I'm sure they're alot more careful then some of us. After the 5th or 8th tag you kinda develope an imunity and its no big deal.
01-24-05, 03:10 PM
Yeah if I were working with venomous snakes I dont think I'd be as lack luster as I am when dealing with non venomous snakes. Not too mention I wouldn't attempt to hold them bare handed.
01-24-05, 03:11 PM
Lol..Lets hope so!
01-24-05, 03:29 PM
You should see the list I have of animals I been tagged by that aren't herps. LOL! I think some might be amazed.
01-24-05, 03:40 PM
for me.. um.. savannah monitor - hurt a bit, no bood
adult coastal carpet python - think there is a tooth still in.. bruised a lot and hurt.
adult jungle - just a very very gently bugger off nip.
adult white lipped python - neat tooth pattern, some blood
ball python - punctured veins in wrist, constricted. not pleasant.
adult iguana - 4 stitches to close my face.
amazon tree boa - just some pinpricks.
garter snakes, water snakes, and many other small lizards add to the list.
thankfully ive never been tagged by anything really dangerous..
01-24-05, 03:57 PM
Zero+stitch, why not post your non-herps list too?? The title just says what have you been bitten by?
01-24-05, 04:44 PM
Oh thought it was just related to herps.
Well heres the non-ralated herp list. The more painful list, lol.
All types of macaws and parrots such as blue and golds from timnahs to blue head pionus's.
Green Moray Eel(Thank god it was a juvi)
....and the damn vacume! (Don't ask)
Lookin down the list most bites are from fish. Single most painful bite I have had was by the moray. I bled for a good 30-40 minutes constantly rebanding my hand. The most crushing bite was from the macaws. Those beaks are capable of dislocating a bone.
01-25-05, 12:54 PM
I'm sure I can't remember some at the moment
BCI . little blood
BP. little blood
BRBs. one time it bleed pretty good most times it was just a warning nab.
ETB. hurt like He## and bleed for a while
Rat snake. many times, our current little darling has biten me so many times !!
Corn snake, no damage
Hognose, no damage
Garter, no damage but did crap all over me lol
King snake, no damage done
other snakes that I can't recall at the moment.
Dogs more then once, worst was one hung in a hot wire, I got fried and bitten
Horses more then once, worst was a little filly that got mad at the Vet so she grabed my face, left a scar
Rats. one grabed my finger years ago still have the scar.
Beaver, I'm not talking about that one
Birds of many types, some drew blood
Girl friend, years ago, not going into detail on that lol
Blood worm--really hurt
Fish , Pike laid open my hand , trout and salmon drew blood
Lynx,,,, got away with my glove
Baby gator, left teeth marks
Crabs,crayfish, but I guess that's not a bite
and many others!
01-25-05, 01:37 PM
Dogs more then once, worst was one hung in a hot wire, I got fried and bitten
That reminds me on many fishing trips gone terriably wrong. I was running from a protective shepard in the field. I live in Vermont and there are many active wires to keep the cattle and cows fenced in. I ran full speed into the wires! Never saw them.
Don't remember if the dog tagged me. I was too busy shaking like a leaf! Not a pleasent experience.
Blah...Too many injuries lol.
Ok,here's a good one!
I was visiting our local reptile store(I won't say the name)but it's in Peterborough. I was checking out the gift section and I saw a great coiled snake on the window ledge along with some other reptile sculptures. I reached out to pick it up and it bit me! It caught me completely by surprise! I thought it was fake next to all the other lifelike gifts! The snake turned out to be a paradise tree snake? That had dissappeared from it's enclosure a few days prior. I told the sales guy who was helping me look for the snake, it's a good thing that I'm a snake lover or else he might have had a seriously, emotionally scarred customer who would have nightmares for the rest of their life!
Anyway, I've also been bitten by,
a ball python
garter snakes(many)
savanah monitor
dam craw fish!(those claws do hurt!))
tokay gecko
black racer
I think that's it.
01-26-05, 05:08 PM
I've been tagged twice by my female BCI both times bled for quite a while and left a nasty bruise. The one on my face made me look like a criminal.
Ohh and when I was a kid I was bitten by the only venomous snake we have here in the UK an Adder. The bite wasn't so bad more like a wasp sting really but running 3 miles home wasn't the cleverest thing to have done. :-)
01-26-05, 11:58 PM
Been bitten from my leopard geckos, from my taiwanese beauty, from my leucistic texas ratsnake, from my 4 months old caiman and from my 1 meter Bci :p
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