View Full Version : new lampro...

Manitoban Herps
01-23-05, 11:32 AM
Here is a female grey banded king I got from Tim C. last night.


I really like her, she is very calm :)

PS - She is missing the end of her tail, as you can see in the pic.

01-23-05, 12:05 PM
WOW! I LOVE her! Holy cow I think her pattern is so awesome.

I MUST get some snakes from Tim soon. Man oh man why don't I have more room.


Manitoban Herps
01-23-05, 12:34 PM
Whats different about her pattern, this one of the first grey bands I have seen before, so i don't really now :p

Yah, you really need to get snakes from Tim, he has awesome snakes!

01-23-05, 12:44 PM
It's not different it's just nice clean perfect round saddles in her middle. :D


01-23-05, 12:51 PM
Yeah, she's a nice snake. Beautiful and calm. :)

She got loose during the spring/summer last year while I was building a bunch of racks. She turned up about 4 months later in my NEIGHOUR'S basement and missing the end of her tail. :(

Best of luck with her Kev! :)

Manitoban Herps
01-23-05, 12:53 PM
Thanks Tim, she will do well!

She has a long way to go to get to one of our neighbours house :D

01-23-05, 12:59 PM
I wonder what happened. I guess any number of things eh? Cat, dog, caught the tip in something and pulled it off, or maybe it fell off if some shed dried tight around it?

Weird. Neat little story though for a nice snake to come with :D


01-23-05, 01:07 PM
I would REALLY like to know what happened to her tail... AND how she got into my neighbor’s house! It was a very odd phone call to receive, THAT'S for sure!

01-23-05, 03:34 PM
Was she one of mine orginally Tim? How much tail does she have left past her vent now? It doesn't look like much, poor girl. Well at least other than that she appears to have done fairly well. That will teach her for being too adventurous, Mark

Manitoban Herps
01-23-05, 03:47 PM
She is actually originaly from Vern Ruml, it is 6 or 7 scales from the vent.

01-23-05, 04:32 PM
She has about 6 or 7 subcaudal scales left past her cloaca.

01-24-05, 02:44 PM
I used to have a female Snow Corn with a similar "tail" her name was "Miss Stubb" : ) Mark

01-24-05, 03:05 PM
Did she ever produce for you after her "loss"?

01-24-05, 03:55 PM
She was a petstore snake & first year breeding she got all eggbound. She was kinda small, so I beefed her up & bred her too late in the season. Missed & she slugged out. A vet trip helped cure the eggbinding & she is now a friends pet. Her stub tail had nothing to do with the eggbinding BTW, she was bred too late & therefore "slugged out". In most cases I don't continue breeding females that have had any eggbinding problems, I retire them. Mark

Manitoban Herps
01-24-05, 05:08 PM

Here is a pic of when she had her whole tail, this is one of Tim's pics :)

Tom Cat
01-27-05, 10:32 PM
Kevin, awesome contrast with no speckling on the grey. Breed her with a light male alterna and you'll produce killler hatchlings. Good luck Dude.

Manitoban Herps
01-28-05, 08:00 AM
Thanks, I know a guy near me who is putting his pair together this year, so maybe I will convince my parents to let me have another snake :p