View Full Version : Rat Parasites?

01-22-05, 07:18 AM

So far my rat breeding has been going well and I've gotten two sets of big healthy litters. However with the latest one, I noticed some small parasites on the 2 week old babies! They are very small, maybe 1/2 to 1 mm long. They are sort of oval shaped and are sort of transparent light brown with a dark brown/red center area.

What are these specifically and how can I get rid of them? What is a safe product to use on both the 2 week old babies and nursing mothers?

01-22-05, 10:39 AM
Sounds like mites. Rats and mice can get them. The easiest way to get rid of them is by using sevin dust however I am not sure if it is available in Canada or not.

01-23-05, 02:18 PM
NO NO DUST AT ALL! It can get into their lungs and cause problems. Plus they can groom it off themselves, and if I remember correctly, it's not to be ingested!

I'm not sure what kind of mites they are. But either take them all to a vet for treatment, or "take care of them all" and get new rats from a different place than you got these.