View Full Version : Tank Prep

01-21-05, 03:18 PM
Hi I haven't gotten my snake yet and I probably won't for awhile but I can't wait, I have to set up the tank, he he. I was wondering if I should disinfect it before I put any substrate/decos etc in it? If so what do you suggest? It is going to be a desert banded cali king, if that makes a difference.

01-21-05, 08:56 PM
there was another thread on here somewhere where they were talkin about homemade disinfectant..i think it was peroxide and vinegar..but im not too sure..i'll look around for u and post it when i find it ;)

Double J
01-21-05, 09:33 PM
If the tank has never housed any animals before, there is no reason to disinfect it. Simply give it a good clean with warm water in the tub if that is the case. If it has housed other animals before, it will require disinfecting.