View Full Version : Big Babies???

01-20-05, 06:11 PM
I dont know how big BD babies usually are when they hatch, I have only had a few clutches from a few different breeders but found most were around 2-3 inches long when they hatch. I was VERY surprised when my very first clutch hatched at how tiny they are.
Recently I bred a 4 year old Sandfire and a 3 year old SnowXSandfire, neither parent is very big, the female is 18 inches and male is 22. The babies started hatching two days ago, and they are huge!! five of 12 have hatched and all the babies are 4 inches or longer! They only took 61 days in the incubator too. Maybe they are big because there were only 12eggs? I was thinking maybe because both parents are very mature and have been bred before aswell, but anyways, just wanted to share, there are some pics of them here http://groups.msn.com/Nor-westBeardedDragons/nowhatching.msnw?Page=1
If anyone's interested they will be for sale one day!

Norwest Bearded Dragons