View Full Version : ball python

01-18-05, 08:36 PM
hi i was thinking about going with rubbermaid container for my male bp and i was wondering what size i need for an adult ball python and all the acessories?

01-18-05, 08:39 PM
Usually the underbed storage ones work well for adults.

They are roughly 34 inches long, 16 inches wide, and about 6 1/2 inches tall. Clear, with white lid....rubbermaid brand found at Wal Mart.


01-18-05, 09:00 PM
I will be using the sweater box rubbermaids. They are 23x16x6. Many breeders keep there adults in this size.

01-18-05, 11:14 PM
Brutus, that's what I keep mine in. I noticed that with the #2119-87's "Underbeds" MOST of my balls thought it too big and stopped eating. They ALL started again when I moved them to #2221's 23x16x6's.

01-18-05, 11:25 PM
I am in the process of building my rack right now. It will only be big enough for 8- 2221's, but thats 3 more than I will have so, little room for growth.

I read that you and a couple others on here were using them, thats why I decided to. I like that some find that it increases feeding response.

Btw, my rack is 3/4 inch oak! Nice find at work! only cost will be the heat tape, thermostat, and a temp gun. Can't wait to get my 5 girls!

01-18-05, 11:41 PM
Mykee- Actually I also use that size for all my guys right now except my oldest female who has the taller version (same width and length) and it does work good.

I have had her in underbed though which worked fine. But the ones you mention probably work far better now that I compare, I have five living in those (4/5 eating) VS one in the longer version just by chance...I saw them and bought them.
