View Full Version : Bioactive Substrate

01-18-05, 07:36 PM
I am going to try out the substrate mixture that Philippe de Vosjoli suggests in his book, The Art of Keeping Snakes.

He suggests a mixture of:
peat moss
fir bark
bentonite clay (unscented kitty litter)
lava rock (of the scoria type)

Anyone tried this yet or use any of these substances for substrate? I cant find scoria anywhere around here, only pumice, and I'm wondering if it makes a difference.

01-18-05, 08:37 PM
Well, as for experience with scoria... thats a negative for me, but using Pumice may have a 'drying' effect... similar to salt, as it can irritate human skin...
However, i'm by no means an expert in soil mixtures....
One of those plant growing/greenhouse businesses should know how to get it, as i understand certain types of lava rock can bennefit significantly. Icelands a perfect example! lol

01-18-05, 08:43 PM
I have also read that And was wondering about it.. What do you think about keeping worms in there with them..

01-19-05, 01:33 AM
I don't know if i'd like to complicate matters with keeping worms in there. I think they need to have a certain ph level to survive, and I dont think the poop from my one bp would be enough to keep them alive. I'm sure its a possibility, I'm just not as adept at multi-tasking as most other people.

01-28-05, 08:12 PM
I think i found some scoria at this landcaping place, its called something else, but i compared it to scoria pics on some geology sites. I will let ya'll know how it goes with the new substrate (if anyone gives a hoot)

01-29-05, 09:58 PM
I have been using a similar bio substrate for about 2 years now.
Brick of earth substrate (sold in pet store)
peat moss
top soil
cypress mulch
bentonite clay (unscented kitty litter)

The earth substrate is what I first started my snakes on so I just kept adding everything else to it. You have to follow the rules Vosjoli states about cleaning and mixing/aeroating the mix. My wife has even taken some of the mix to transplate some of her plants into. I'm always adding a little more to the mix so that she can take some out. You can not depend on worms to remove all of the waste from even one snake. I have worms in one enclosure only because I have plants growing in there without the pots. But I still remove 99.9% of the waste produced by my snakes. I think it is an awsome substrate for healthy mature snakes and other reps with similar needs. It makes for an amazing display and really helps maintain constant humidity levels.
It is not the best substrate if you have too many enclosures to properly maintain the substrate. If you have too many I would only sugest you use it in one or two "display" setups.

My $0.02.

01-31-05, 09:22 PM
Thanks!! Here is a pic of the finished product. Mixing it all up was fun!!! I think I will put a few worms in there. Her tank looks so much nicer now!
