View Full Version : Basement Buddy

01-18-05, 06:38 PM
I live in upstate new york in the aridondaks and whenever I go to feed my mice or rats in the basement I see a little black thing scurry acrossed the floor, well today when one of my rats escaped I found its hole where his head was popped out watching it all. He's not at all skittish but not to the point where I can grab him because he sits into his holes in the concrete. He's about 6 inches long from what I can see, a head the size of a leopard gecko, dark black and big yellow spots. A really cool looking lizard, I think its a newt does anyone else have any ideas?

Oh yeah and I caught the rat :) just got her today had no idea how jumpy she was.

01-18-05, 07:02 PM
look like this?

Picture Credit: http://biodiversity.wku.edu/salamanders/Salamander_Thumbnails.htm

Here's another website that lists all the salamander species within New York State.



01-18-05, 08:00 PM
Yeah kinda but no spots on the face and not that many on the body I found a yellow spotted salamander that looked just like it but it said its found on the west coast from Texas to B.C Canada and only live in ponds

01-19-05, 02:04 PM
Sounds like Spotted Salamander (Ambystoma Maculatum)