View Full Version : The Latest On Mirchie..
01-18-05, 05:06 PM
hey everyone..
well..remember when he had a regurge last week.. well since then i've turned up his temps to 80-85, i've given him more space to hide, he's shed, and he's also gotten pretty used to his new house.
so yesterday i had to take him out for a second to change his i picked up the tree he was hiding in with him in it. while he was out he was pretty active.. climbin in and out of the i decided since he's not as stressed..and seems to be doin better why not try to offer a pinky. so i did. before i could even put the pinky down..he snatched the little bugger right out of my hand and pulled in into the i guess he was just REALLY REALLY hungry.
well after he finished eating i put him(still in the tree) back into his tank. i covered it..and made sure the temps stayed at 80-85. oh..and i also had my fingers crossed..really tight.
well today i kind of peeked in and saw a lot of poopoo in
i swear i've never been so happy to see animal waste!
so it seems like Mirchie is doing better..and i thought i'd let u all know.
thanks for all of ur help and info when i had the whole regurge issue! i appreciate it!!
Thats good to hear, but dont count yer eggs before they hatch, lets hope he does not regurj over the next few days.
Keep us posted! :)
01-18-05, 05:33 PM
Well you did the exact opposite of what we all recommended (it's only been 4 days!!! = this is EXACTLY how the syndrome starts), so I really don't know what to say.
I hope it stays down.
01-18-05, 06:07 PM
Just because he grabbed it and displayed how hungry he was; is not an indication that his digestive system is ready. I would of waited 4 weeks. This info. was passed onto me when I was going thru the very same thing; it's a viscous cycle. Don't rush, good things take a long time, bad things happen fast.
01-18-05, 07:16 PM
well i was really worried..
cus he hasnt eaten for 3 weeks yesterday.
he has already digested it and pooped..
since he ate and pooped hes been pretty active.
i hope i didnt do anything terribly wrong..
01-18-05, 07:25 PM
I took a lot of time writing up detailed replies for you and you've completely ignored them. If you questioned my advice then you should have brought it up before, and we all could have explained to you that 3 weeks is nothing for a snake, he could have gone another 6 weeks without food and been no worse off.
As it stands now, if he regurges this then it might be too late for him, and you'll never know how it would have turned out had you followed the advice from people who have waited and had success (or fed 4 days after a regurg and had failure). Just don't expect much help in the future.
4 days since last regurj? Oh man...
You really should have waited.
I really hope it works out for you but I really dont think the deck is stacked in your favor...
Feeding it this soon after regurj might have sealed your snakes fate.
01-18-05, 07:45 PM
Yeah you really should have waited...
CB Shwa
01-18-05, 08:17 PM
Why dont you set it free and buy captive bred corns they are inexpensive?
Agreed. Three weeks without food is nothing for a snake. I have had a NEWBORN corn refuse his first meal until 6 weeks old!
Four days after a regurg is just WAY too soon. Nothing might happen and the snake could be fine, or there is also a good chance he will puke it up again. It honestly could go either way.
If he does regurg again, then you MUST *must* wait another two weeks at least before feeding him again. It's not a dog so not eating is NOT a big deal. It's in the snakes best interests to allow the stomachs digestive fluids to rebuild themselves.
Also there is no need for handling the snake at all if it just got over a regurg. I wouldn't handle it AT ALL for at LEAST two weeks. He doesn't need cleaning or to be handled to change his water. Nothing. Not ten seconds. Total alone time. That's what you should do now to encourage proper digestion. Once he takes meals regularly, then you can begin the handling.
Anyways its done now, so I hope your snake keeps that pinky down and keeps eating. Good luck!
01-18-05, 09:39 PM
thanks marissa.
im sorry for not listening to all of your advice the way i should've.
do you guys really really think i should let it go??
No need for apologizing... yer intentions were good... thats what really matters... We've all made mistakes in the hobby. Just know that we're all here to help ya... sick herps need these things over all others... patience and privacy :)
Pls keep us updated on how yer corn does over the next couple of weeks
01-18-05, 10:10 PM
thanks shad0w..
that really helped.
its good to hear some words of support.
yea i was pretty happy when he took the pinky and later digested it..and i thought maybe i did something right. but i guess not.. =(
im not handling him..and i have a sheet over his tank for privacy.
i'll definitely keep you guys posted..
and thanks for being there.
01-18-05, 10:32 PM
As I'm sure you're awair now, you should wait longer after a regurg. Even if he keeps this feed down I would wait two weeks or so until the next feeding. If not then wait longer, like three weeks or more. Hopefully things will work out for you.
As for releasing the snake, I don't think it's a good idea. The snake is not awair that it is at risk of regurging and will likely eat at the next chance it gets, develop regurg syndrome and die. Captive snakes can also carry desieses that wild snakes haven't been exposed to.
Good Luck
CB Shwa
01-19-05, 10:14 AM
it is not a captive snake, she caught it in her backyard or something.
Releasing a wild snake that has been in captivity for some time has its own set of problems. One could introduce a disease or something into the wild population and could cause serious problems. Now that the snake is in captivity... I think it more responsible to keep it there.
01-19-05, 10:27 AM
I agree with Shad0w... by "captive snake" I meant a snake that is in captivity, not necessarily one that was bred in captivity.
01-23-05, 02:37 PM
Ummmm, did you say he defecated the next day after the meal?? Maybe I'm wrong but, it should take alot longer than one day for a snake to digest it's meal. The defecation you saw was probably one he's been saving for awhile. It is normal for snakes to defecate when sheeding or shortly after. As I said though, I could be mistaken. Corn's aren't my thing.......
01-23-05, 02:44 PM
ur prolly right..
it could be one he's been "saving" so that he could make room in his tummy..
but he hasnt regurged since then..he's been doin pretty good.
his next meal is due on tues.
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