View Full Version : Getting a Pacman

01-18-05, 11:54 AM
I have a 10g tank that is going to be empty as soon as I get a new, bigger tank for my gerbils in the next week or two. I can't go having an empty tank so i've decided to get an albino pacman.

I plan on having a large clear container in there for his/her pool. Peat moss substrate, Fluker's sphagnum moss, and i'm hoping to get some plants.

I want to try some live plants... tropical ones that I can leave in a small pot in the corner of the tank. Do you guys have any suggestions for me? I'm not exactly sure what I'll be able to find during this time of the year, but i'll do some shopping around once I get some suggestions.


01-18-05, 01:39 PM
One word...Pothos!

Here is a set up I had for a baby albino pac man....

<img src="http://8snakes.myftp.org/marisa/Reptiles/frog/stewietank.jpg">

<img src="http://8snakes.myftp.org/marisa/Reptiles/frog/stewietank2.jpg">


01-18-05, 05:39 PM
just make sure the water dish is fairly shallow, they are poor swimmers.

01-18-05, 05:43 PM
i did bamboo in mine for a while, i had them growing in little containors but he climbed up in them and dug some out. if the pots were a little taller they would have been fine. sure wish you could take my frog, i dont want him any more, no reason other than another pet i can get rid of and way too boring. hope you enjoy yours though.

Double J
01-18-05, 09:29 PM
I highly recommend that you use eco-earth aka bedabeast aka coc-husk fiber aka millenium coir aka forest bed. It s ideal for pac mans as it is not nearly as acidic as peat, looks nicer, and lasts longer. Often peat has little twigs and other things in it.. the oce earth will have nothing but coco husk fiber in it and will be far easier to pass through the system *when* the frog eats it.

01-18-05, 10:19 PM
I would love to use something like that but unfortunately there are no places around here that sell it... nor do I have a credit card to pay for it online... plus the shipping is ridiculous.

I was told that peat moss is the best thing for me to use since I can't find the coco fiber. No worries about the big chunks and twigs, I sifted it all out. It looks a lot nicer and it softer also.

My new guy is great. Sooooo cute. I have yet to come up with a name for it yet. I want a unisex name... something to do with the colors, I think.

Here are a couple of pics that I took tonight once he started to settle in with a full belly:

