View Full Version : Zigzag amel! *pic*
Again from Mark! <laugh> He mentioned keeping her, but I'm glad he did'n't. Amels are my least liked morph of them all, but this girl was so beautiful! I think Mark sent her knowing I'd change my ways. I still don't like amels, in fact I gave Damon/littledelgado my adult amel (who is also the fattest corn in existence), but I love this girl.
Zigzag is interesting in that it's not a siimple recessive, but polygenetic, similar to bloodreds. You can get zigs from non zagged parents, and non-zigs, from zagged parents. Mark mentioned that neither parent had zigs or zags in them. I'm keeping not hoping to get any zig or zag out of her, but because she is the nicest amel I have ever seen. Both amel's from Mark were killer!! Anyways, enough talk, here's a pic!
<img src="">
11-05-02, 01:54 PM
I have a corn with about that much zig-zag too. Is that all it takes to call it a zig-zag?
She's a nice snake, by the way.
Sure why not? It's got 4 zigs and 3 zags, good enough for me!
that's a very nice snake. Very bright in color too!!!
Lovely Katt!!!!
The red colour is a little unreal on her, it's a tad more toned down. Vanan's Nikon picks up reds really bad and I often don't adjust the saturation enough to cancel all that extra red in there cuz otherwise everything looks off, but yes, she's a beautiful snake! The flash also makes things worse. Next time we'll have to get the 995 cuz the red saturation is just insane on this camera.
No matter what I would say that it's a very stunning animal.....
I just took some photos of my butter motleys....and they don't look like butters at all....they kind of look like a yearling amber or caramel.....but that is what they are suppose to look like when they are young...can't wait for them to grow into that I can see their true colors!!!! They are like pigs right now....eating everything I offer them...I'll post some pictures later.....
But I totaly understand what you are saying about the camera not picking up enough coloration or putting too much coloration on the animal....that is why I was talking about my butter
MMm butters. I'd sure like to get some of those, but I think at 14 corns, I'd better stop and collect some other species too! <laugh> I really want stripes. Striped anything is good!
11-05-02, 08:41 PM
Holy frickin' RED!!!!!
11-05-02, 09:26 PM
Beautiful snake! Crimson King is really breeding some nice ones! Crimson, do you sell to the public?
11-05-02, 09:28 PM
You know, I think I'll breed that pair (the parents) again next year.......Tai-pan1 you can email me anytime. Thanks.
I'm going to take another shot of this girl and try and get the red more perfect, it's a bit too bright in this shot! <laugh>
Yes, do breed those two together again Mark and send me a male zigzag! <laugh>
Ok I reloaded a fixed photo of this girl so it's less unreal red! <laugh> This is more like it, I had to compare to the screen.
oh wow you are sooooo lucky
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