View Full Version : Veiled Chameleon
01-17-05, 02:48 AM
hey, my sister just got a veiled chameleon and is handling it alot... apparently the petstore owner told her she should handle him to get him so he's not so stressed out and from what i understand he develops black spots almost immediatly after she picks him up! I was always told that it is horrible to handle chameleons am i right? or is there something i am wrong about?
01-17-05, 07:28 AM
If the chameleon isnt being stressed from the handling then its fine, but if hes getting black spots id highly suggest not handling him. Chameleons are not great for handling as most of the time, especially for veileds, they have quite the attitude. My veild doesnt mind handling for a short time but some others ive seen wont let you get near them.
01-17-05, 08:04 AM
I wouldn't be handling it at all, it'll be stressed out enough after being moved to a new home/cage.
yea give it a couple weeks to get used to its new environment before you start handling him. Also i beleave chameleons should be regarded as something along the lines of tropical fish "look but don't touch" Handling when they are younger is good so they are used to it only so they can come out for a weekly 10 minute check up. I give my chameleons a quick physical minus the blood work at home. Just making sure theyre bones are nice and solid nose and mouth and vent are clean. Also look for parasites like mites. Getting them tame is good for this. It is quite difficult to handle a chameleon when all they want to do is bite.
01-18-05, 10:36 AM
I was always told that it is horrible to handle chameleons am i right? or is there something i am wrong about?
It is something you are wrong about. It is really more a matter of opinion and preference I suppose. Every individual chameleon is different, and it is the responsability of a owner to judge what is right and what is wrong. Handling a new chameleon everyday I would not personally do; let it get accustomed to its new surroundings for a few days and then start to handle it. If you have no problems handling; meaning no biting and gaping, then continue to do so as you feel fit (I handle my adults daily). If your chameleon gets stressed out, hissing, lunges, turns dark, then I would not recommend handling; only when necessary.
Hope this helps.
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