View Full Version : 8 boas 15K what would you get?
01-17-05, 01:03 AM
This was brought up in the ball python section and thought it was interesting to ask in the boa section.
Lets say you have space for 8 boas only and a budget of $15,000 Canadian dollars or ($12,337.58 USA dollars), what would you buy to create your collection?
Remember this is not future breedings and all, just 8 boas and that is all you can keep in your home with a 15K budget.
I am still thinking this 1 out while I am writing this post and watching Windtalkers on TV. :D
Be great to hear from you all.
Please stay on topic.
Tony Pharosx
01-17-05, 01:07 AM
Argentines... prettiest critters I ever did see.
01-17-05, 03:16 AM
Thanks to my most recent developement (see the thread: Rescued Brazilian Rainbow Q's), I'd get nice sliding door/racks to keep as many as these amazing guys as possible.
01-17-05, 05:43 AM
Now that is a question that will have to be thought out.
Let you know by the end of the day.
01-17-05, 06:47 AM
None I could realy go hondo crazey then LOL All the sand boas there are Rushons, rughscales ,nucks albinos when Roy has they
01-17-05, 11:00 AM
Here would be my 8:
1.1 Albinos striped line, 1.1 DH Sunglows, 1.1 Anery het snow, 0.1 Hog island boa, 0.1 Het Albino striped line.
01-17-05, 01:42 PM
Thought it out with a budget of 15K, hmmmmm.
Poss. Super Ghost Boa
Arabesque Boa
Pastel Albino Boa
Sunglow Boa
This group hits that scale already but its only 4 boas :(
Was chatting with a friend this second option is also very nice and all 7 would be a group.
Poss. Super Ghost Boa
Sharp Albino Boa
Jungle (none abberant) Boa
Poss. Super Salmon Boa
Pair - 100% Het Sharp Albino Boas
Arabesque Boa (high end)
Still not 8 but close enough, loads of color and pattern in this group. :D
Oh well this was fun figuring this out.
01-17-05, 07:36 PM
a male possible superghost and a female hypo het for anery.
Tim and Julie B
01-17-05, 07:47 PM
Puerto Rican
Turks and Caicos
Hispaniola Rainbow
E. gracilis
Any sub species of the above :D
Or any other weird Rainbow
There are a few weird BCI's as well if I had the leftover $
01-18-05, 12:22 AM
here's my $15k -
1 snow boa
1 argentine boa
1 labrynth burm
1 dwarf tiger retic
1 sweet surinam boa
1 emerald boa
1 sunglow boa
1 bolivian boa
That's a quick list....if I took more time it might be a little different.
01-18-05, 01:18 PM
Nice listings so far, great to see people thinking and trying this fun post out.
Sweet list indeed, picked all your favorites I see, and still in budget :D
01-18-05, 01:56 PM
All the Epicrates I could get my hands on, especially an Argentinian Rainbow Boa...
Maybe some diamond studded Versace shades for my ball python, after the fact. :cool:
01-19-05, 10:19 AM
I would say:
1 Snow male or female
1.1 Sharp Albino
a really nice Salmon would be cool too :)
LOL I never knew they made designer Shades for Balls, must be pricey :cool:
01-19-05, 09:33 PM
Nice selections indeed.
Now your thinking, Sharps are a serious plus. :D
01-19-05, 11:24 PM
I wouldn't get any boas.
These would be my choices.
1.1 Tiger Retics
1.1 Normal Retics
1.1 Normal Burms
1.1 Albino Burms
Those are my favorite snakes.
01-21-05, 11:33 AM
Retics and Burms ????
Joking good choices as well.
02-07-05, 06:13 PM
I think I would add a hockey sock full of Hogs too, I am really getting to like them.
02-08-05, 11:01 AM
Oh My turn, eight eh?
1.1 Albino BCI
1.1 Anery het snow
1.1 Dumerils
0.1 ETB
0.1 Colombian Rainbow
I'm absolutely in love with Dumerils to be honest, I think their patterns are stunning :)
I'd shop around for some of the finest emeralds, and amazons and Longtails!;)
02-08-05, 12:08 PM
How much would those fire bellies go for? Id get 1.1 them!
02-08-05, 07:09 PM
I live in denmark, so i have no idea on what the different boas cost in canada :D
But my list would be like this:
0.1 snow boa
1.1 boa constrictor longicauda (getting 2.2 in a month or so :D
1.1 boa c.c. trinidad
1.1 Boa c.i. mexico 'sonora'
1.0 hog island boa
thats my wishlist, how much would something like that cost in canada?
And am i the only one here who likes the different subspecies of boa constrictor?
02-08-05, 09:03 PM
Whoops, I forgot all about ATB's! Scratch my ETB and Colombian! I'd get a nice 1.1 pair of colored ATB's!
02-08-05, 09:14 PM
one of these boas lol
I'm afraid I would have to sell 7 of the cages (good ones I assume) and add that money to the 15K and try to find an albino anaconda somewhere.
i wish i had that kinda coin to go straight to snakes.....
when i turn 25 (5 years from now) i happen to inherit a nice bit of money, at which time i plan on getting a pair of really nice patterned ETBs but until then my snake collection will stay at what it is now, my BP and my BCI. i just dont have that kinda space to keep more in my apt...unless i kick the wife and kid out and turn the one room to a snake room lol j/k
02-25-05, 06:43 PM
I would have to quote one of tonys varieties
"Poss. Super Ghost Boa
Sharp Albino Boa
Jungle (none abberant) Boa
Poss. Super Salmon Boa
Pair - 100% Het Sharp Albino Boas
Arabesque Boa (high end)"
Since i have a strong adoration for albino mutations
02-25-05, 07:47 PM
Nice selection indeed ;)
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