View Full Version : Quick question

11-05-02, 08:31 AM
I notice there is the CBOI forum, are there plans to do a similar forum for the USA?

beth wallbank
11-05-02, 08:37 AM
there is already.......faunaclassifieds.com

11-05-02, 10:20 AM
I'm talking about a forum here on ssnakess.com

jason h
11-05-02, 12:11 PM
originally our boi was for anyone but there was some complaints and arguements from the administration of the us based boi so as a compromise with this person jeff agreed to make it a canadian boi,as a majority of the members are canadian its nothing against us members,just trying not to step on anyones toes.;)

11-05-02, 09:10 PM
Oh, ok. Sounds resonable.