View Full Version : My new puppy!!!

01-16-05, 09:47 PM
Just got her friday evening. Its a 7 week old pure bred miniature pomeranian. I have a 2 year old adult female orange one too. Thx for looking.http://www.ssnakess.com/photopost/data/500/5071black-med.JPG

01-16-05, 09:53 PM
Nice looking.... Dog? ;) IM sure there's a dog somewhere under all that fluffy fur! Congrats on the new addition.. :thumbsup:

01-16-05, 09:53 PM
awww shes cute

Asian Jon
01-16-05, 09:57 PM
hehe what a cutie.

01-16-05, 09:57 PM

puppies are simply the BEST. ;)

01-16-05, 10:00 PM
Hey nice pooooch.. Don't feed the pup nothing But NUTRIENCE DOG FOOD........... its the proper food to feed ...U can get the food from any superpet/P J pet store...

01-16-05, 10:08 PM
So to die for, do you feel compelled to swallow him whole? Toooo cuuuute!!!!!

Tim and Julie B
01-16-05, 10:09 PM
All I see is to little beadie eyes in a shadow....:D What's it's name?

01-16-05, 10:12 PM
Originally posted by wiseman001
Hey nice pooooch.. Don't feed the pup nothing But NUTRIENCE DOG FOOD........... its the proper food to feed ...U can get the food from any superpet/P J pet store...

And about a half dozen other places that are cheaper.. :D


01-16-05, 10:23 PM
Thanx for the compliments guys. We named it Koda ( Koda is the little bear cub on the disney movie "Brother Bear"), and when she walks around she truley looks like a miniature bear cub. lol

01-16-05, 10:34 PM
i've been looking for a tiny girl pom for the longest!!
they're so expensive tho..how much did u pay for her??
i was talkin to this lady about a little cream girl for $950. but we were in the middle of moving..and i needed the money to set up my room.
anyway..congrats! shes toooo precious

01-16-05, 10:38 PM
Wiseman, a HAGEN product?! Eeeew! I would suggest a high quality dog food like Eagle Pack; www.eaglepack.com or Royal Canin www.royalcanin.ca He's a little cutie and at that age, they deserve the best for a good start. Do a search online for a list of some premium puppy foods. Good luck.

01-16-05, 10:39 PM
wow, 950? Do not buy that dog. We got ours with papers for 500 and the black one in the pic for 375.00. The parents are both under 5 pounds. I live in edmonton alberta.

01-16-05, 10:44 PM
OH man how I'd've loved to have paid only $500 for a PB papered dog! My li'l chihuahua guy came to me at the tune of $700! Course I don't regret it not one bit!

Vanan didn't want me to get an asian toy dog, so we went spanish.

But poms are so cute and I'm so jealous!!! TOO ADORABLE!

I'm with Mykee, Eagle Pack all the way! That's what I feed and that's what my breeder recommended. Eagle Pack plus any left over meat and steamed veggies.

01-16-05, 11:59 PM
Originally posted by wiseman001
Hey nice pooooch.. Don't feed the pup nothing But NUTRIENCE DOG FOOD........... its the proper food to feed ...U can get the food from any superpet/P J pet store...

Yeah, it's slightly better than crap. Slightly.

I agree with the others who've posted about a few other brands.

Wiseman....I'm going to go out on a limb here, and say you're either a PJ's employee, or a Hagen one. Because no where else is that food pimped out so hard...


01-17-05, 12:03 AM
What a little cutie!! :D Sooooooo tiny... lol. Congrats, and best of luck with her! :)


01-17-05, 12:16 AM
Cute puppy

as for food I feed my cats and dogs Science Diet

01-17-05, 12:28 AM
Actually Nutrience is an excellent food. It's food content on every level is no more than 1% off what it should be. Not only that but they only use chicken breasts in there chicken content. If you know anything about the herbs in there, they very beneficial effects on there digestion, hair, skin ect. While alot of Holistic foods have great ingredients they are not a scientifically balanced diet and could be lacking something that your dog requires... "could be!" I've studied animal (mostly dog and cat) nutrition quite a bit and Nutrience is by far the best and safest food I have found so far. No I do not work for Hagen lol.

VERY cute pup. That might out rank Henry P's pom for cutest but only if it doesn't bark like his.

01-17-05, 12:31 AM
Aww, very cute!

01-17-05, 12:40 PM
Originally posted by concept3
wow, 950? Do not buy that dog. We got ours with papers for 500 and the black one in the pic for 375.00. The parents are both under 5 pounds. I live in edmonton alberta.

wow..thats definitely a deal!
where is edmonton alberta?? do they still have puppies available?

VI Reptiles
01-17-05, 01:14 PM
We feed our dogs Nutro Natural Choice Ultra. Its really good for our dogs. I know these people down the street from me that feed there dog left overs, and this dog food that comes in a plastic barrel. Everytime I touch the dog my hands smell so sickening. His hair is greasy and im guessing thats really bad. They really dont care that much for him living longer, better care and so on. They let him outside for him to sleep under the deck and in a dog house.

VI Reptiles

01-17-05, 04:51 PM
Science Diet fan #2!!!

That dog will deifeintly help pickin' up the ladies on the beach ;)

Lioness, might I add that you are quite the beautiful lookin' lady :)


01-17-05, 04:54 PM
There are a lot of good foods out there. My dogs did terrible on Nutrience. They do well on Natural Balance by **** Van Patten, the duck and potatoe formula. Eagle is great, so is Newman's Own. I also have a seminar for Solid Gold on the 31st so I'll know better then about that one.

01-17-05, 06:14 PM
the food Its being fed right now is Eukanuba, Im told its good food, do any of you know anything about it?

01-17-05, 06:16 PM
eukanuba is decent food, we kept our rotty and boxer on it while they were around

01-17-05, 06:27 PM
Here is something that is worth reading

01-17-05, 06:44 PM
thanks for the link Siretsap, lol but where is this list of acceptable dog foods?

01-17-05, 06:49 PM
they do not promote any companies since most change their ingredients labeling more than once a year (depending on the price they get on certain ingredients).

01-17-05, 06:54 PM
so what do they suggest you feed your dog?

Dragons & Balls
01-17-05, 07:09 PM
So you guys want to talk dog food,why not feed your dog natural FOOD. When you read dog food packages for ingredients,you are suppose to look for meat as the number one ingredient. Well why would you not just go to the source and feed your dog MEAT!

There is a diet called the B.A.R.F Diet, that stands for Bones and Raw Food. This diet consists of feeding your dog all natural raw meat as well as vegetables and fruit. Eukanuba or science diet or any other crap that PJ's sells pales by comparison. Plus added benifits to this diet are that your dog craps less,the crap does not stink as bad,and they have great teeth. These are just some of the Benifits. I have my Pom on it and she looks awesome,and I am soon to put my $1500.00 pekingese's on it as well.

01-17-05, 07:10 PM
Personally have no dogs, no time. A friend of mine though that has Border Collies feeds hers strictly BARF (Bone And Raw Foods) diet. They figure that feeding bagged/canned/processed dog food is the same as feeding your snake nothing but snake sausages or eating nothing but KD and Chef Boyardee yourself.

Just some food for thought. :)

01-18-05, 03:48 PM
I thinks its extremely dangerous and irresponsible to suggest a natural/BARF diet to anyone who is not familiar with the workings of a dogs body, the mineral, vitamin, etc. levels that are needed to properly sustain a dog in good health. The BARF community seems to think that their "diet" is the only answer for everyone and thats simply not true. JMO.

01-18-05, 05:16 PM
Originally posted by sleddergirl
I thinks its extremely dangerous and irresponsible to suggest a natural/BARF diet to anyone who is not familiar with the workings of a dogs body, the mineral, vitamin, etc. levels that are needed to properly sustain a dog in good health. The BARF community seems to think that their "diet" is the only answer for everyone and thats simply not true. JMO.

People should research any animal that they are getting not just exotic animals, therefore technically they should know the simple workings of their dogs body and then they would research the appropriate way to go about providing a natural diet for their dog. Dog food allows people with little to no knowledge of their pet to maintain at least a degree of health for their pet though. I think the BARF community as you call it is just pushing for more educated dog owners. Just like we are constantly correcting heat rocks for iguanas and snakes, just cause the pet stores and manufacturers say it is good for the animals doesn't mean it is. They are just out to make a buck, I think processed dog food is in the same catagory.

01-18-05, 05:28 PM
I could not disagree with the BARF diet people more. Im sure it is a good diet, but their is also good quality dog foods out their. Just because you use it or support it dont say its the best or olny way. Your starting to sound like vegetarians.

01-18-05, 06:45 PM
Originally posted by nita
People should research any animal that they are getting not just exotic animals, therefore technically they should know the simple workings of their dogs body and then they would research the appropriate way to go about providing a natural diet for their dog. Dog food allows people with little to no knowledge of their pet to maintain at least a degree of health for their pet though. I think the BARF community as you call it is just pushing for more educated dog owners. Just like we are constantly correcting heat rocks for iguanas and snakes, just cause the pet stores and manufacturers say it is good for the animals doesn't mean it is. They are just out to make a buck, I think processed dog food is in the same catagory.

To each his own, but like you said................you don't have a dog.......

Dragons & Balls
01-18-05, 07:06 PM
Well I do have a dog so I guess I can speak.

So let me ask you a question sleddergirl, Did you "Research" the dog food you feed your dog. Or are you one of those people that just goes with the masses?
So I suggest that people in the "Dog food in a bag/can" community do some research about the food they are feeding their dogs.

Here is a little reading for you to do


01-18-05, 07:16 PM
Originally posted by Dragons & Balls
Well I do have a dog so I guess I can speak.

So let me ask you a question sleddergirl, Did you "Research" the dog food you feed your dog. Or are you one of those people that just goes with the masses?
So I suggest that people in the "Dog food in a bag/can" community do some research about the food they are feeding their dogs.

Here is a little reading for you to do


I'm certainly not debating the dog food industry as a whole, being of good quality food. The foods that I have and do give to my dogs are of great quality. My point was simply this, the BARF diet or any raw/natural diet, for that matter, are not the best choices for everyone or every dog, contary to the insistance of those who do choose to feed it.
As far as your link, there are vets in every country that will differ greatly in their opinions of manufactured dog food. I know vets that will tell you to feed nothing but Science Diet, I also know vets that wouldn't recommend Science Diet for anything. All an article does (especially on a website) is tell you the opinion of the author.
I spend about 40 hours a week in the pet food industry, so I can confidently say that I am 100% satisfied with my choice of dog food and the health benefits it provides for both of my dogs.

01-18-05, 10:09 PM
my adult dogs get fed natural table scraps and everythin', as puppies though, they were on store bought kibble... all in all, its a very touchy topic, lets see how it turns out :)


01-18-05, 11:09 PM
their is no natural diet for dogs. All they are now is imbred mutations that cannot be called natural in anyway. What are you comparing them to? wolves? coyotes? Ha, If our dogs ate half of the things wild dogs ate they would die. Their is nothing wrong with feeding your dog a good quality kibble. Thats like saying crested gecko diet is no good for cresties, and when it comes down to it its just not true/

Dragons & Balls
01-19-05, 12:16 AM
Why feed your crestie "crested gecko diet" When you can feed it fruit or baby food or crix?

01-19-05, 12:53 AM
The crested gecko diet actually is quite good, and many breeders will swear by it.
Babyfood by itself is pretty incomplete. Technically, crickets are as well since cresteds eat so much fruit in the wild. In fact, the CGD is so complete, that supposedly you do not even have to add supplements when feeding it. (Exclusively, I'd assume.)
Also, it's a lot different than dog food...

All the same, I prefer to give a varied diet. Superworms, silkworms, roaches, mealworms, CGD and babyfood. This is possible with geckos.

Very few people are going to feed their dogs a steady supply of rodents, rabbits, live game animals, etc.

There are some dog foods with fantastic ingredients, although they are more expensive.

The BARF diet has many of its own problems, on top of the fact that it may just be too hard for some people to manage or afford.

I think arguing this is fruitless. People prefer different things for different reasons. Both have pros and cons. Both work for the dogs...

And anyway, back to the original subject...

That puppy is really darn cute. ;)