View Full Version : 04 Nuclear holdbacks

01-16-05, 01:39 AM
Hi folks..
Boy it's been a busy season... Haven't had much time to get any pics up..
04 was a great year for my Nuclear Kenyans with 5 litters and over 60 babies. As always I'm holding back the ones with the brightest orange and also the ones with highest percentage of orange over the back. They will be raised and re-bred to each other on the quest for striped Nuclears. I also plan to breed the albino gene into them with hopes of producing orange backed albinos. The first breeding of Bell albino times nuclear produced hets this year. I will post them in the future.

The Nuclears appear to be evolving into Hypomelanistic Kenyans, and you'll note that the black is becoming so faint the orange is actually visible through it. The 3rd pic is a male and I have a few like this. They remind me a bit of hypo Hondurans, where the black is muted.
My gallery is full, but here's a few pics.
thanks for your interest

01-16-05, 01:58 AM
Really nice Roy!!! My male is looking excellent, but my female totally browned out. Hopefully a nuke or two makes it out this way!

Those will look nice with my striper.
<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v147/Kattia/Boids/stripekenbod.jpg">

01-16-05, 02:13 AM
Mr. Stockwell,

Those are VERY nice! Incredible male in the last pic too!
Katt, your stripe looks great! Good luck!


01-16-05, 08:26 AM
Very nice Roy! Both mine are holding up very well. Still the brightest I've seen.
Katt that snake is awesome!

01-16-05, 10:56 AM
Wow! I REALLY like that last one...it's so amazing looking.
