View Full Version : just a feeding question regarding meat/chicken

01-15-05, 12:13 AM
i have been feeding mu little nile, crickets, meal worms,fuzzy mice and shrimp(from the party packs u buy at grocery stores).. Now my question is if i gave him meat and chicken as a treat sometimes, should i tbe cooked? that is all.

01-15-05, 12:23 PM
yeah, boiled a little, get rid of the bacteria,
us ferret people also feed meat for treats, some people will let them eat it raw...but the meat system in the US & CA isn't the best, although it is ONE of the best, but theres still a lot of bacteria, so boiling IMO is a good idea ;)

01-15-05, 12:32 PM
I feed my savannah chicken giblets raw and I was told that is totally fine and no need to boil, just to feed raw.

01-15-05, 01:02 PM
Yeah, some people do, as i stated, *i* wouldn't, just to be safe...:D

01-21-05, 09:57 PM
I would be worried about samonella if the meat were raw. I used to make meat balls out of ground turkey and boil them. I would then freeze them. You would just thaw them out as you would a rat, when your're ready to feed.