View Full Version : I didnt know where else to post this..lighting/heat

01-14-05, 04:23 PM
hey everyone!!
well up until now i have been using a UTH..and it stopped working all of a sudden and the temps in my tank went down to 75F... to make long story short.. i took it back to the store and while i was deciding on whether i want to go with the same type of UTH or a different one the guy who worked there..who is a friend of mine.. told me that i should opt for a heat lamp instead.
he said that with all of his experience with herps he prefers lamps, etc. etc.
so he convinced me into going with a lamp..
my question for you is..do u think a lamp is ulimately better than a UTH???
if so why..
and if not why..

01-14-05, 04:28 PM
That depends on what you're heating.

01-14-05, 04:41 PM
o yea..duh.lol
a baby corn snake.
(sorry for the lack of obivously important info..lol)

01-14-05, 05:09 PM
depending on the enclosure uth are better 99 percent of the time. The light on your tank will dry out your tank very fast, and you can put it right under his hide (the uth that is)

01-14-05, 06:50 PM
yea..also i was wondering what i should do during the night..
i dont want to keep the lamp on all night long, ya kno.
so do u think i should keep the light for during the day and switch to uth at night??
and how moist should it be in there??
(btw..i have a 29 gall tank)

01-14-05, 09:17 PM
Yes, heat lights will dry out your tank regardless of what some people will say. It's a fact. Get rid of the light completely, it's not necessary. Get a uth or a proportional thermostat with a night drop feature and you can control the daytime and nighttime temps.

01-14-05, 10:49 PM
Originally posted by mykee
Get a uth or a proportional thermostat with a night drop feature and you can control the daytime and nighttime temps.

where in the world can i find that??
is it just a regular uth with a thermostat attached to it already..or do i have to attach a thermostat to it??
sorry to sound like such a noob..:rolleyes: :confused:

01-14-05, 11:06 PM
is this similar to what ur talkin about??

01-15-05, 12:41 AM
NNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOO...Here is a chart I have made up, these are the tstats I feel are worth what they cost.. They will not fail, are accutare and 2 of them are proportional....
http://www.mgreptiles.com/THERMOCOMPARE.html They guy at the shop told you wrong!...Hope this helps...

01-15-05, 01:57 PM
thanks justcage!! lol..i appreciate it..the guy at the store was an idiot