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01-13-05, 01:40 PM
do you all handle your snakes??

01-13-05, 02:01 PM
try 5 min evert few days then make it a little more ect.ect.

i dont own any thouh.....

ps i edited cause i want you to see honest answers...

Brad C
01-13-05, 02:22 PM
It depends for me. Sometimes I get in the mood to get a snake out or also whenever im cleaning cages or changing waters i'll handle them for a bit. Most of the time I get a urge after not holding a snake for a while to get one out for a bit.

01-13-05, 02:23 PM
lol..thanks for the honesty
that sounds pretty reasonable.

01-13-05, 02:53 PM
A few minutes a day (5-10) is good for interaction. Give them a day or 2 off after feeding & less time when in shed depending on their temperment. Younger snakes less handling depending on how they are about it. If they are super stressed not too long or too often, but they do have to get used to the interaction if you expect them to "tame" down. Mark

01-13-05, 03:36 PM
thanks mark..
yea my corn is pretty tame..he's never snapped at me or showed any sign of an "attitude"..he loves to crawl onto my neck and up into my hair..lol..i love that :D
so i should handle less when in shed?..interesting. thanks

01-14-05, 10:01 AM
i try and handle at least once a week to get them used to it although my gopher and hog will crawl right into my hand. my cal king is really skittish and needs it. i was handling him 3 times/wk for a while and it was working, but with the holidays i've been slacking and he's back to striking the enclosure when ever he sees my hand near it.. lol

01-15-05, 09:17 AM
I handle my Ball python every few days for 15-20 mins or so, but my IJ and yellow rat only come out every few weeks cos neither of them seem to like being handled too much. Dont bite or anything but just seem to get a little stressed, where my ball python seems to enjoy being out. Only have to take the lid off his rubbermaid and he will crawl straight out into my hands.


01-17-05, 02:53 AM
Most of my snakes get handled a bit each day, longer if I am in the mood. The babies I have that are stressed by handling usually only get handled for a minute or two during cage cleaning, and during the week after they have passed their last meal. Enough that they won't be totally unused to it when they start to calm down with age, but infrequently enough that the poor things aren't panicked all of the time.